Do Not Revile My Companions! Fourth Installment
لا تسبوا أصحابي للأستاذ محمود محمد شاكر
"Do Not Revile my Companions" by Mahmood Muhammad Shakir [A Refutation of Sayyid Qutb]
Also from the examples that Mahmood Shakir brings of the malice and hatreds of the idolatrous western civilisation manifesting explosively, in the heart of one who proclaims defense of Islaam and Jihad in its path, is the following, regarding Abu Sufyaan (radiallaahu anhu), the father of Mu'aawiyah:
أبو سفيان هو ذلك الرجل الذي لقي الإسلام منه والمسلمون ما حفلت به صفحات التاريخ ، والذي لم يسلم إلا وقد تقررت غلبة الإسلام ؛ فهو إسلام الشفة واللسان ، لا إيمان القلب والوجدان ، وما نفذ الإسلام إلى قلب ذلك الرجل؛ فلقد ظل يتمنى هزيمة المسلمين ويستبشر لها في يوم حنين ، وفي قتال المسلمين والروم فيما بعد ، بينما يتظاهر بالإسلام ، ولقد ظلت العصبية الجاهلية تسطير على فؤاده ... وقد كان سفيان يحقد على الإسلام والمسلمين ، فما تعرض فرصة للفتنة إلا انتهزها
Abu Sufyan is that man from whom Islam and the Muslims met (i.e. suffered) with whatever has been collected in the pages of history, and [he is] the one who did not accept Islam except after its dominance was established, and thus it is the Islam of the lip and tongue, not the eemaan of the heart and emotion. And Islam did not penetrate the heart of that man, for he remained craving for the defeat of the Muslims and rejoicing about it on the day of Hunayn and [likewise] in the fighting of the Muslims and Romans in what occurred afterwards, all the while he outwardly proclaims Islam, and the Jaahiliyy partisanship dominated his heart ... and Sufyan used to harbor malice against Islam and the Muslims, never did an opportunity for (creating) tribulation (arise) except that he seized it.
As you can see this speech contains the negation of Islaam from Abu Sufyaan (radiallaahu anhu).