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The Words of Imaam Ibn Baz Falling on Those (Qutbiyyah) Who Lied Upon Him (Safar al-Hawali, Salman al-Awdah, Muhammad Sa'eed al-Qahtani, Aa'id al-Qarnee, Abdur-Razzaq ash-Shayijee): Callers of Falsehood and Stirrers of the Murky Waters
Filed under: Refutations
Wednesday, January 06 2010 - by Admin
Key topics: Safar Al-Hawali Salman Al-Awdah Muhammad Sa'eed Al-Qahtani Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Bin Baz Qutbiyyah Aa'id Al-Qarnee Abdur-Razzaq Ash-Shayijee

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Background and Introduction

The presence in Saudi Arabia of Manaa' al-Qattaan (as the Ikhwani recruiter) and his activities of organizing a "vanguard", upon the doctrines and methodologies of Sayyid Qutb, along with the presence of Mohammad Qutb, and Mohammad Suroor and their types all led to the nurturing of some of the indigenous upon these ideologies of mass Takfir, Leninist revolutions as the means of "giving Haakimiyyah back to Allaah", and working to establish the khilafah, as they claimed, despite the fact that they were living in a land that was established upon Tawhid and in which the law of Allah was established, and the Scholars of Tawhid and the Sunnah were present in abundance.

There occurs in the book "al-Qutbiyyah", first published in the mid-90s, on page 27 of the 2004 print (Majaalis al-Hudaa):

اعلم ـ أخي القارئ ـ بأنّ علي عشماوي <آخر قادة التنظيم الخاص> قال في كتابه <التاريخ السرِّي لجماعة الإخوان المسلمين> ص (62) عن مناع القطان: <قيادات المهجر>: وبعد أن سمعت قصته عن حال الإخوان فأجاب: إنّ الإخوان في السعودية قد اختاروا الشيخ <مناع قطاع> ـ كذا في الأصل ـ مسئولاً عنهم ـ والإخوان في إمارات الخليج اختاروا <سعد الدين إبراهيم> مسئولاً... ويجدر بنا أن نُعرِّف بكلّ شخصية من هذه الشخصيات التي ذكرتها. الشيخ مناع القطان هو أحد إخوان المنوفية، وقد هاجر وقيل إنّه أوّل مصري يجرأ على تجنيد سعوديين في دعوة الإخوان بالسعودية، دون استشارة أحد، حتى أنّني حينما عدت من السعودية بعد زيارة لها عام 1964م، استقبلني الأخ محمّد هلال في المطار وسألني: من المسئول هنا ؟ فقلت له: إنّه الشيخ مناع القطان

Know - dear brother reader - that Alee Ashmawi (one of the unique, special leaders of the organization - said in his book "The Secret History of the Jamaa'ah of al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen" (p. 62), about Manaa' al-Qattaan (in "Qiyaadaat al-Mahjar" Leaderships of the Places of Emigration - [meaning the Ikhwani leadership in those areas to which the Egyptian Ikhwanis fled to from Nasserite Egypt])... The Ikhwaan (Muslim Brotherhood) in Saudiyyah have chosen Shaykh Manaa' al-Qattaan as the responsible leader for them, and in the Gulf Emirates they have chosen Sa'd ad-Deen Ibrahim as the responsible leader ... and it is worthy that we are familiarize with each of these personalities which I have mentioned.

Shaykh Manaa' al-Qattaan is one of the Ikhwaan from al-Monovia (a region in Egypt), and he emigrated, and it is said that he was the first Egyptian who dared to started recruiting Saudis into the da'wah of the Ikhwaan (Muslim Brotherhood) in Saudiyyah, without consultation with anyone. When I returned from Saudi after visiting it in 1964CE, the brother Muhammad Hilaal came to me in the airport and asked me, "Who is responsible there?". I said to him, "It is Shaykh Manaa' al-Qattaan".

With this type of presence and this type of secretive call in nurturing Saudis upon the Qutbi Leninist doctrines of Qutb and the mass-populist political ideologies of Banna starting from the sixties, it was inevitable that a generation be produced 20 years later that would represent these ideologies, preaching and calling to them. The activities of these people were to show the face of Salafiyyah (displaying a Salafi aqidah, refuting the Ash'aris etc.) to gain the confidence of others, whilst calling to Qutbiyyah, the doctrines of the Khawaarij, of mass Takfir, and revolutionary manifestos of secular atheist Jews, all in the name of "opposing secularism". Thus, upon the doctrines of Qutb, they considered the complete absence of any Muslim state in the entire world. Due to the presence of major sins (like usury) in the Muslim lands, these "Qutbiyyah" made Takfir of all Muslim nations and claimed the banners being raised in the whole world (including Saudi Arabia) are secular banners - upon Qutb's notion that any deviation from complete and total rule by the Sharee'ah in all affairs is kufr and apostasy that warrants snatching the "Haakimiyyah" and giving it back to Allaah - and they hoped that "Afghanistan" would become the first Islamic State. This way of thinking came to them from the Ash'arites of Egypt, the likes of Hassan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb, and through the Ikhwanis who settled in Saudi and began their call.

So the same old slogans were hear today, "making jarh of the du'at, and slandering them and backbiting them", these were carried to the Scholars at that time, like Shaykh Ibn Baz, as a means of getting these Scholars to speak about the likes of Shaykh Rabee' in particular and others in general. A lot happened during those five or six years. By the end of the decade however, their affair was made manifest, and the truth prevailed, and their flag-ship "the Qutbiyyah" which set sail after the Gulf War, was pulverised, in ruins - by the collective statements of the Scholars in which there was a vindication for Shaykh Rabee' and conviction of the Qutbiyyah, and all these sayings are the ones being document systematically on this website, through which this picture will emerge very clearly.

In this article, and for the historical record, we want to cover an historical incident that took place within that period of time. In the early 1990s (1412CE), Shaykh Ibn Baz issued a general statement of advice, after the Qutbiyyah were trying to cause trouble and get the Shaykh to "attack" the other Scholars, like Shaykh Rabee'. When the Shaykh gave a generalised advice, they began to interpret it and claim it was directed specifically at the Shaykhs of Madinah (i.e. Shaykh Rabee' and those with him). After a while, the Shaykh was asked to clarify his naseehah, because of the commotion that was being spread, and so the Shaykh established the truth, and made a clarification which blackened the faces of the liars, because he defended the honour of Shaykh Rabee' by name.

The Audio Files

In the link below, is a compilation of the audio of the various statements that you will find translated below, as well as the clarification of Imaam Ibn Baz at the end of the audio file.

Download the recording of all the statements.
Download Realaudio file here

The Claims of the Qutbiyyah

Here we will present the words of the Qutbiyyah, what appears below is just part of what is in the actual audio, you can listen to the complete audio for their statements in full.

The Lie of Salman al-Awdah

Salman al-Awdah in the lecture (تحرير الأرض أم تحرير الإنسان) "Tahrir ul-Ard Am Tahrir ul-Insan":

يا أخي: الخطاب الذي قرأته عليكم، نحن اقترحنا على الشيخ عبد العزيز إخراجه منذ ثلاثة أشهر، وكان مقتنعًا بإخراجه، لكنَّ كثرة مشاغل الشيخ حالت دون ذلك... والواقع أنّه أبدًا الموضوع بكامله أنا على علم به، منذ أن كان هذا الخطاب فكرة، ومشروع، وكيفية صياغته، وتوقيع الشيخ عليه، وما يتعلّق به وأبعاده !!! والمقصود به بعض المرجفين في المدينة...

يكفيك ما سوّد الله به وجوههم من خلال خطاب الشيخ عبد العزيز

My dear brother! The statement which I have just read to you, we have been proposing to Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Bin Baz for three months (to make this statement) and he was happy to issue it. However, the Shaikh's various engagements made this very difficult. I have full knowledge of it, from the time that this statement was just merely an idea, when it was given the go ahead, how it was composed, when the Shaikh actually made it, and what is related and not related to it!!! And those who were intended by it are the sedition makers in Madinah

And a person then asked:

لِمَ لا يتمّ... فضح الأشخاص الذين تكلّموا على العلماء والدعاة ما دام أنَّهم على باطل ؟!!

Why did he not complete it - exposing the individuals [i.e. by name] who have spoken against the Ulamaa and the Du'at so long as they are upon this falsehood?!

To which Awdah replied,

It is sufficient for you that Allaah has blackened their faces in light of this statement of Shaikh Abdul-Aziz...

The Lie of Muhammad Sa'eed al-Qahtani

Muhammad Sa'eed al-Qahtani said in his lesson (شرح مختصر معارج القبول), "Sharh Mukhtasar Ma'aarij il-Qubool", in the city of Jeddah:

يأتي هؤلاء السفهاء فيروِّجون بأشرطة مأجورة للطعن، ويجيدون كتابة التقارير في الخلف على هؤلاء العلماء.. وهم شرذمة ـ ولله الحمد ـ ومعروفين ـ هكذا ـ ولا ننجِّس هذا المجلس بذكر أسمائهم. هم معروفين (هكذا !!)، فرفضوا نصيحة الشيخ، ثمّ تكرر هذا الأمر منهم ـ حفظه الله ـ معهم ـ فأبوا إلاّ العناد، والتشهير، والتشكيك، فكتب ـ حفظه الله ـ هذه النصيحة

Those foolish ones come along and they circulate cassettes filled with revilementý and they are only a small band - and all praise is due to Allaah - and they are known as such, but we will not make this gathering impure by mentioning their names. They are well known. And they rejected the Shaikh's advice and the Shaikh - may Allaah protect him - continued in this matter with them (i.e. continued to advise them), but they only persisted in their obstinacy, and their publicising of faults, and causing doubts. So he wrote - may Allaah protect him - this advice.

The Lie of Safar al-Hawali

Safar al-Hawali's is a lengthy statement, its on the recording above, and also amongst those who lied upon Shaykh Ibn Baz were Abdur-Razzaaq ash-Shayijee. In his book, "Adwaa alaa fikr Du'aat as-Salafiyyah al-Jadeedah" (p10), ash-Shayijee states that the statement of Shaikh Ibn Baz was specifically intended for the Shaikhs of Madinah and Shaikh Rabi bin Hadi in particular. And likewise, Aa'id al-Qarnee was amongst the Qutbiyyah who lied upon Shaykh Ibn Baz (rahimahullaah).

Shaykh Ibn Baz's Clarification

Shaykh Ibn Baz issued a clarification (on 28/7/1412H), and it is in the audio file above:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، الحمد لله وصلى الله على رسوله، وعلى آله وأصحابه، أمَّا بعد:

فالبيان الذي صدر منا، المقصود منه دعوة الجميع، جميع الدعاة والعلماء، إلى النقد البناء، وعدم التعرض بالتجريح لأشخاص معينين من إخوانهم الدعاة، بل كلّ واحد ينصح لله ولعباده، وإذا علم من أخيه خطأ ناصحه بالله عزّ وجلّ، بالمكاتبة، أو بالمشافهة، من دون تجريح في أشرطة، أو صحافة، أو غير ذلك، حتى تبقى القلوب مستقيمة، ومستمرّة على المحبَّة، والولاء، والتعاون على البرّ والتقوى، وليس المقصود إخواننا أهل المدينة من طلبة العلم والمدرسين والدعاة، وليس المقصود غيرهم في مكة أو الرياض أو في جدة،

وإنَّما المقصود العموم. وإخواننا المشايخ المعروفون في المدينة ليس عندنا فيهم شكّ، هم من أهل العقيدة الطيِّبة، ومن أهل السنَّة والجماعة، مثل الشيخ محمَّد أمان بن علي، ومثل الشيخ ربيع بن هادي، ومثل الشيخ صالح بن سعد السحيمي، ومثل الشيخ فالح بن نافع، ومثل الشيخ محمّد بن هادي، كلّهم معروفون لدينا بالاستقامة، والعلم، والعقيدة الطيِّبة، نسأل الله لهم المزيد من خير،

والتوفيق لِمَا يرضيه. ولكن دعاة الباطل، وأهل الصيد في الماء العكر، هم الذي يشوّشون على الناس، ويتكلّمون في هذه الأشياء، ويقولون: المراد كذا، والمراد كذا !! وهذا ليس بجيِّد، الواجب حمل الكلام على أحسن المحامل، وأنّ المقصود: التعاون على البرّ والتقوى، وصفاء القلوب، والحذر من الغيبة التي تُسبِّب الشحناء والعداوة.

نسأل الله للجميع التوفيق والهداية

In the Name of Allaah, Full of Mercy, Ever-Merciful (to His Believing Servants). All Praise is due to Allaah and may Allaah send prayers upon His Messenger, his family and his companions. To proceed:

The statement that was issued by me, the intent behind it was to invite everybody, all of the du'at and the scholars, to make constructive criticism and not to criticise specific individuals amongst their brothers from the du'at. Rather everyone should offer sincerity of purpose to Allaah and His servants. And when he comes to know of an error of his brother, he should advise him for the sake of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, by writing or orally, without criticising him on cassettes or printed media and their likes. So that the hearts may remain upright and continue to have love and loyalty and that there may be co-operation upon righteousness and piety. However, the statement was not intended for our brothers, the people of Madinah, amongst the students of knowledge, teachers and du'at. And nor were those besides them in Makkah, Riyadh or Jeddah intended. Rather the advice was general.

And our Brothers, the well known Scholars in Madeenah, we do not have a doubt about them. They are possessors of a sound aqeedah and they are from Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah, such as Shaikh Muhammad Amaan bin Alee, Shaikh Rabee' bin Haadee, Shaikh Saalih bin Sa'd as-Suhaimee, Shaikh Faalih bin Naafi', Shaikh Muhammad bin Haadee [al-Madkhalee] - all of them are known to us to have Istiqaamah, knowledge and sound aqeedah. We ask increase in every good for them from Allaah and success in what pleases Him. However the callers of falsehood (du'aat ul-baatil) and the people who hunt (others) in murky waters, they are the ones who cause confusion amongst the people and who speak in these matters and they say: "The intent was this and that", and this is not good. It is necessary to take the words in their best possible light. And the intent [behind the advice] was co-operation upon birr and taqwaa, and to purify the hearts and to warn against backbiting which causes rancour and enmity. We ask Allaah for guidance and success for all

And walhamdulillaah, it wasn't the faces of the Shaykhs of Madinah that were blackened, may Allaah illuminate them even more, but rather it was the faces of the Qutbiyyah that were blackened - those who abandoned the light of Tawhid and the Sunnah in their da'wah and manhaj and turned instead to the darknesses of the Soofees, Ash'aris, the promulgators of the doctrines, ideologies, and manifestos of the non-Muslims, the atheist secular Jews and others, of demonstrations, revolutions, mass-political movements and the likes.

Lessons From the Above

This needs little comment except that this same type of cowardly, opportunistic behaviour is what is being continued today by the Qutbiyyah who have not ceased to cling onto the flotsam (debris, ruins) of their flag-ship, "the Qutbiyyah" that was battered, tossed, turned, and left in ruins on the shore all those years ago. So they continue to go to the likes of the Mufti, Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aal ash-Shaykh with loaded questions, and the same type of rumour mongering and scare-mongering that Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen mentioned about them in this statement here, and walhamdulillaah, all people who are aware of the realities can see that they do nothing by these actions of theirs except to testify upon themselves as "du'aat of baatil" and "stirrers of the murky waters".


Some have argued that how can you apply these words of Shaykh Ibn Baz to specific people when the Shaykh intended by both his first advice and his subsequent advice no one in particular, but just a general advice to all. So aren't you doing the same thing by applying this statement of Shaykh Ibn Baz to specific people?

The answer is that within his advice he made a specific judgement that it is the "callers of falsehood" and "stirrers in murky waters" who interpreted his first statement. Thus, even if the advice was general and was not to anyone in particular, then whoever fell into the action that the Shaykh spoke of, by the Shaykh's own words, receives that judgement.

There are two situations.

  • Either Shaykh Ibn Baz knew of all the statements made by those specific individuals and with this knowledge, in his follow up clarification he said that is the "callers of falsehood" and "stirrers in murky waters" who say this is the intent and that is the intent - then clearly his saying applies to them with his full knowledge and intent.

  • The first scenario is obviously not the case. It is clear that the Shaykh was not aware that those individuals were doing this and lying upon him in this manner and deceiving the youth about the statement he issued, and he issued a general advice. In fact many of the nefarious activities of this faction of Qutbiyyah were unknown to many of the Scholars until it all came to light much later.

Now, you have to understand the true nature of the deception of the people bringing this doubt. You see, the Shaykh issued his clarification, specifically defending by name, the very notable Shaykhs whom those Qutbiyyah had been slandering and backbiting using the Shaykh's general advice. Have these people not noticed the Shaykh's praise and defence of Shaykh Rabee' by name in this statment? What is the actual significance of this? You see that's the real crux of the issue, but this is like hot coals for them so they won't go there. We will come back to this issue shortly below.

But to illustrate the reality, here are two examples:

  • If you address a congregation in Jumu'ah and say "All thieves will be punished in Hell, if they don't stop and repent", you are not directing that and nor intending that to anyone in particular, but for sure, if anyone in the congregation is guilty of those acts, that judgement will be applied to him as a matter of fact, whether you intended fulaan or fulaan in the audience or not. Here we are speaking about a religious truth and a religious ruling. It applies upon whoever falls into that action.

  • If you have a group of twenty people to whom you say, "Be kind, and generous and don't be cowardly", and you intend this advice for everyone, generally, and then it transpires that three specific individuals started saying that you specifically meant fulaan and fulaan, and then you were asked to clarify your statement and you said, "It is the callers of falsehood and the stirrers of murky waters who say that the intent was this and the intent was that", then you are not directing this to anyone in particular - but whoever fell into that action, comes under your judgement and whoever did not fall into it, does not come under it. So in this scenario, as a matter of fact, by virtue of the judgement you made in your speech, those three specific individuals, on account of having done what you mentioned, are subject to the description, or characterization you mentioned, as a matter of fact, even though you only spoke generally and did not intend anyone in particular.

So it is factually correct that all those people lied upon the Shaykh. Try to refute this factually correct assertion.

And the truth was distinguished from falsehood and the Shaykh defended Shaykh Rabee' and the honour of the other Madinah Shaykhs, by mentioning them specifically by name! Why don't these people address that part of the Shaykh's statement - which is like the elephant sitting in the room and they are pretending to be blind to. Instead try to deceive the audience by trying to divert their attention away from the elephant to something else? What is the significance of the above statement of Shaykh Ibn Baz? He has just demolished, annihilated and destroyed your baseless hatred and attacks upon Shaykh Rabee' and silenced you and muzzled you through these words of his. He made a specific defense of Shaykh Rabee', and made a point of mentioning his name and that of the other Scholars. He rebutted specifically the rumors spread about them saying, "We do not have a doubt about them", "they are from Ahl us-Sunnah", "they have istiqaamah", and he defended them by name against who? "The callers of falsehood and stirrers of the murky waters" - and even if he intended this generally, without his knowledge of who had been saying what - then as a matter of fact, it was the Qutbiyyah.

So you can see the trickery and deception of these people. The attempt to defend the action of these people (the Qutbiyyah) by bringing a counter-argument and trying to say, "Hey, your'e doing the same thing with Shaykh Ibn Baz's clarification" is just a red-herring to divert away from the established facts. This does nothing to absolve those individuals (the Qutbiyyah) and their activities from blame and censure. This article and its content was published as a matter of historical record as part of of a broad documentation of the nefarious activities of the Qutbiyyah as a whole, their doctrines, methodologies, the scholars subsequent refutations of them and the Scholars convicting their doctrines, ideologies and their figureheads (Qutb, Banna etc.) with innovation and misguidance. All of this is part of a bigger picture, as a matter of historical record.

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Imaam al-Albani to Shaykh Rabee: Everything With Which You Refuted Qutb For Is Correct and True and May Allaah Reward You For Fulfilling The Obligation of Exposing His Ignorance and Deviance
The Words of Imaam Ibn Baz Falling on Those (Qutbiyyah) Who Lied Upon Him (Safar al-Hawali, Salman al-Awdah, Muhammad Sa'eed al-Qahtani, Aa'id al-Qarnee, Abdur-Razzaq ash-Shayijee): Callers of Falsehood and Stirrers of the Murky Waters

aa'id al-qarnee aa'id al-qarni abbaas al- abbas el-akkad abd al-aziz aal ash-shaikh abdul-aziz aal ash-shaikh abdul-aziz ar-raajihee abdullaah al-farsee abdullah al-farsee abdullah azzam abdullah bin saba' abdur-rahmaan abdul-khaaliq abdur-razzaq ash-shayijee abu a'la mawdudi abu al-hasan al-ma'ribee abu sufyan ahmad shakir ahya al-adaalah al-ijtimaa'iyyah al-arsh albaanee albani alexis carrel al-fawzaan al-fawzan algeria al-ghazali al-ghudayan al-ikwan al-muslimoon al-istiwaa al-luhaidan al-mubarakfuri al-uluww amr khalid an-nawawi aqidah aqqaad ar-razi ash'ari asharis ash'aris ash'arite ash'ariyyah asha'riyyah az-zilal banna barbarism bayaan talbis al-qutbiyyah bayan talbis al-qutbiyyah christianity communism communist manifesto egypt excommunication extremism faith fawzan fi zilal il-quran fi zilal il-qur'an fikr frederick engels george bush ghaddafi ghulaat al-murji'ah ghuluww grave worship haakimiyyah habib ali al-jifree hadd hammad al-ansari hasan al-banna hasan al-maalikee hayyiz hind hudood ibn arabi ibn baaz ibn baz ibn hajar al-asqalani ibn hajr ibn jibreen ibn jibrin ibn saba al-yahudi ibn taymiyyah ibn uthaymeen ibn uthaymin ihyaa al-turaath imaan in the shade of the qur'an iranian revolution irja irjaa irjaa' istibdaal istihzaa jaahiliyyah jahmiyyah jamaa'at ut-takfir jameel zainoo jihah karl marx kashani khabar ul-aahaad khabar ul-wahid khameni kharijites khawarij khomeini khurooj kufr bawah leninism leninists libya madaakhilah madkhali madkhalis mahmood shakir mahmud shakir makaan makhlooq marxism marxist socialism mawdudi milestones mockery mohammad qutb mongols moosaa moses mu'awiyah mufawwidah mufawwidh muhammad al-areefee muhammad bin ibraaheem muhammad bin ibrahim muhammad sa'eed al-qahtani muqbil bin haadee muqbil bin hadi murji'ah nawab safawi nawawi qawaaneen qawanin qsep qur'an qutb qutbi qutbi manhaj qutbis qutbiyyah qutubiyyah raafidah rabi al-madkhali rabi bin hadi al-madkhali rafidah rafidah shi'ah revolutionary ideology safar al-hawali sahaabah sajid kaym sajid kayum salafi manhaj saleem begg salih aal ash-shaykh salih al-luhaydan salman al-aqdah salman al-awdah salman awan saudi saudi arabia sayyid qutb secular law secular laws secularism shaikh rabi shanqeetee shanqiti shaykh abd al-aziz aal ash-shaykh shaykh abd al-aziz bin baz shaykh abdul-aziz bin baz shaykh al-albani shaykh al-luhaydaan shaykh al-uthaymin shaykh ibn jibrin shaykh ibn uthaymin shaykh muhammad amaan al-jaamee shaykh muqbil bin haadee shaykh muqbil bin hadi shaykh rabee shaykh rabee' shaykh rabee bin haadee shaykh rabi shaykh rabi al-madkali shaykh rabi bin hadi al-madkhali shiah shi'ites shirk sifaat fi'liyyah social justice socialism soofee speech of allaah sufi sufism syria tabdeel tafweed tahkeem tahkeem al-qawaaneen tahkim al-qawanin takfeer takfir takfiris takhyeel tamyee' tashree' taswir al-fanni fil-qur'an tatars ta'weel tawhid tawhid al-haakimiyyah tawhid al-hakimiyyah tawhid al-hukm the companions ubaydullah al-mubarakfuri wahdat ul-wujood zilal

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