A Gift to Salman al-Awdah and Safar al-Hawali: Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan: Being Labelled with 'Jaamiyyah' is a Praise and a Tazkiyah
Shaykh Muhammad Amaan al-Jaamee (rahimahullaah) was one of the first of the Scholars of Madeenah to expose and stand up the Extremist Qutbiyyah who emerged ...
Sunday, August 11 2013 - by Admin
The Satanic Path of Sajid Kayum's Slanderhouse Forums Evaluated in Light of the Prophetic Sunnah
Please read the introduction to of this series, in which the o ...
Friday, September 28 2012 - by Admin
Shaykh al-Fawzan Defends Imaams Ibn Baz and Ibn Uthaymin From the Accusation of Irjaa'
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan defends Imaam's Ibn Baz and Ibn al-Uthaymin (rahimahumallaah) from the slanders of the Qutbiyyah Takfiriyyah that they are Murji'ah. This ...
Saturday, December 31 2011 - by Admin
Shaykh al-Albani, Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin, Shart Kamal and Shart Sihhah, Irjaa and the Gormless Hawalian Qutbis
After the Imams, Mashayikh and students of knowledge of Ahl al-Sunnah silenced and laid to rest the ...
Sunday, September 26 2010 - by Admin
Audio of Shaykh Mahmood Shakir from March 1976 In Defence of the Companions of the Messenger
Shaykh Mahmood Shakir (rahimahullaah), the brother of the Muhaddith, Ahmad Shakir (rahimahullaah) defended the Companions of Allaah's Messenger (alayhis salaam) ...
Monday, February 01 2010 - by TheMadkhalis.Com
Salman al-Awdah, Aa'id al-Qarnee, Habib Ali al-Jifree and Amr Khalid: The Ikhwani Bannaawi Manhaj in Practice
You may recall in our Bayaan Talbis al-Qutbiyyah series, regarding a loaded question put to the Muftee, the Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aal ash-Shay ...
Thursday, January 28 2010 - by Admin
Aa'id al-Qarnee: Remove the Fuse of The Fitnah Between the Sunnah and the Shiah
You may recall in our Bayaan Talbis al-Qutbiyyah series, regarding a loaded question put to the Muftee, the Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aal ash-Shay ...
Thursday, January 28 2010 - by Admin
A Picture Paints (Characterizes) a Thousand Qutbis: Hasan al-Banna, Sayyid Qutb, Abu A'la Mawdudi, the Rafidah and the Iranian Revolution
The poor Qutbiyyah, they "can't see the wood for the trees." Definition: If you "can't see the wood for the trees", you can't see the whole situation clearly because ...
Monday, January 18 2010 - by Admin
Bayan Talbis al-Qutbiyyah: Part 2 - Concerning the General Advice of the Muftee Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aal ash-Shaykh - Part 2/2
The Method of the Qutbiyyah in Faking Attachment to the Scholars of Saudi
Before proceeding to pre ...
Saturday, January 16 2010 - by Admin
Bayan Talbis al-Qutbiyyah: Part 2 - Concerning the General Advice of the Muftee Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aal ash-Shaykh - Part 1/2
Concerning the General Advice of the Muftee Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aal ash-Shaykh
The Qutbiyyah are using a statement of Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aal ash-Shaykh which we ...
Friday, January 15 2010 - by Admin
Qutbi Competition Corner: 1st Quiz - Test Your Knowledge of Wahdat ul-Wujood And The Positions of the Scholars Towards Those Who Express It
We are pleased to announce a new competition section through which we wish to foster better understanding about the Kharijite, Jahmite, Ash'arite, Rafidite creed ...
Wednesday, January 13 2010 - by Admin
Bayan Talbis al-Qutbiyyah: Part 1 - A Few Notes on the Current Activities of the Qutbiyyah Ikhwaniyyah
A Few Notes on the Current Activities of the Qutbiyyah Ikhwaaniyyah
We see the Qutbiyyah coming out today in the blogs and forums with a fake display of jealousy ...
Tuesday, January 12 2010 - by Admin
Imaam Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi'ee: Sayyid Qutb and Hasan al-Banna Were Two Imaams (of Ahl ul-Bid'ah)
Imaam Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi'ee (rahimahullaah), the great scholar and muhaddith of Yemen wrote in (فضائح ونصائح), ...
Monday, January 11 2010 - by Admin
Women and Children of Iraq: Say Thank You To Dr. Safar Hawali - He Brought You Freedom and Democracy
Dr. Safar al-Hawali said, proudly boasting, and addressing George Bush in his well-known, well-distributed letter to him dated 15th October 2001:
لقد ...
Wednesday, January 06 2010 - by Admin
Do Sayyid Qutb and Hasan al-Banna Compare to the Great Hadith Scholars Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani and an-Nawawi? Part 2
The Contribution of Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani to the Ummah
From an online source: Ibn Hajar authored more than fifty works on hadith, hadith terminology, biographical ...
Sunday, January 03 2010 - by Admin
Do Sayyid Qutb and Hasan al-Banna Compare to the Great Hadith Scholars Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani and an-Nawawi? Part 1
From al-Ajwibah al-Mufeedah of Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan
The compiler of the book Jamaal bin Fareehaan al-Haarithee wrote in a note to a fatwa of Shaykh Salih ...
Saturday, January 02 2010 - by Admin
Does Aqidah Come First or Haakimiyyah?
Sayyid Qutb was influenced in his doctrine of Jaahiliyyah by a French philosopher called Alexis Carrel and he took the doctrine of Haakimiyyah from Abu A'laa Mawdudi ...
Saturday, January 02 2010 - by Admin
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen and Shaykh al-Fawzaan: Between the Salafi Manhaj and the Qutubi Manhaj
Between the Salafi Manhaj and the Qutubi Manhaj
In previous articles we documented how both Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaymeen and Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan ...
Thursday, December 31 2009 - by Admin
Words of Ibn Taymiyyah In Refutation of the Extremism of Mawdudi and Sayyid Qutb on the Issue of Taa'ah (Obedience)
Refer to regarding the extremism of Sayyid Qutb in making takfir on the issue of obedience, and Abu A'laa Mawdudi had a similar type of exaggeration in h ...
Saturday, December 19 2009 - by Admin
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A Picture Paints (Characterizes) a Thousand Qutbis: Hasan al-Banna, Sayyid Qutb, Abu A'la Mawdudi, the Rafidah and the Iranian Revolution
Sajid Kayum: The Hypocritical Coward Who Runs The Forums of Amwaat.Morg In Which Slanders and Alleged Sins Are Spread About Other Muslims
Readings in Elementary Communism: Karl Marx, Freidrich Engels, Sayyid Qutb, Capitalism, the State, Social Justice, Revolution and the Communist Manifesto
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