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The Relationship Between Shaykh Rabee al-Madkhali and the Major Scholars: Part 3 - Imaam Ibn Baz Requesting Shaykh Rabee in Writing To Refute a Denier of Allaah's Attributes
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Thursday, January 14 2010 - by Admin
Key topics: Rabi Bin Hadi Al-Madkhali Shaykh Rabee' Ibn Baz Ibn Baaz Shaykh Abd Al-Aziz Bin Baz

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This is a letter sent by Imaam Ibn Baaz to Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhali requesting him to refute a person by name who had appeared on the radio making Ta'weel of the attributes of al-hayaa and al-ghadab:

The letter has an official letter head for "the Office of the General Muftee of the Kingdom", is dated 24/7/1415H and begins with the subject heading:

Regarding the speech of the one-called Nazih Hammad on the Noble Qur'an Radio [program].

The letter is addressed from Abdul-Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz to the

His respectfulness, the Noble Brother, the Esteemed Shaykh, Dr. Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhali, may Allaah grant him safety, Ameen.

After giving salutations, the Shaykh mentioned that he was informed by Dr. Muhammad bin Sa'ad ash-Shuway'ir of Shaykh Rabee's hearing of the speech of the one called Nazih Hammad which was broadcast on the Noble Qur'an Radio [program] on 12/6/1415H between 7am and 8am and that he spoke about the Ta'weel of the attributes of al-hayaa and al-ghadab.

Then the Shaykh said:

For this reason, I ask from your excellence to expect reward in refuting him and clarifying the truth to the Muslims, because I have not heard this speech (directly).

May Allaah grant your excellence success in every goodness and multiply your reward, for He is all-Hearing, ever-Near...

Then the Shaykh gives his salutations and places his official seal at the end of the letter.

This Is The Talbees (Deception) of the Qutbiyyah

The allies of:

The mockers of the Prophets, the revilers of Uthman (radiallaahu anhu) the negators of the Islam of Abu Sufyan, Hind, Mu'awiyah and Bani Umayyah, the Mu'awwils of Allaah's Istiwaa, the Negators of Allaah's Uluww, the Utterers of Kufr, the Mukaffirs of the whole Ummah, the propounders of manifestos of Secular Atheist Jews, the Casters of aspersion upon the Prophetic Sunnah, the Rejectors of Aahaad Hadeeth in aqidah, the propounders of Jahmite Usool used to negate the Attributes, the Negators of Allaah's Speech (Kalaam), the Propounders of the kufr of the creation of the Qur'an

... come out these days in order to attack and defame the Sunnah and its people, and in particular Shaykh Rabi' bin Hadi al-Madkhali for no other reason except because:

  • He wrote a book called (منهج الأنبياء في الدعوة إلى الله فيه الحكمة والعقل ) "Manhaj al-Anbiyaa fid-Da'wah ilallaah" (The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allaah) in which he refuted the secular atheist Jewish manifesto found in the books of Qutb of the revolutionary vanguard, the Revolutionary Ideology of Mawdudi and the secular, pluralistic political (Machiavellian) methodologies espoused and enacted by Hasan al-Banna.

  • He wrote a book called (مطاعن سيد قطب في أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم), "Mataa'in Sayyid Qutb Fis-As.haabi Rasoolillaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam)" (The Revilements of Sayyid Qutb Upon the Companions of Allaah's Messenger), giving sincerity to Allaah, to the Book of Allaah, to His Prophet, and to the Muslims in general in which he defended the honour of Uthmaan (radiallaahu anhu), Mu'awiyah, Abu Sufyaan, Hind, Amr bin al-Aas and others (radiallaahu anhum) from the malice, hatreds and resentments of the "the idolatrous western civilisation manifesting explosively in the heart of one who proclaims defence of Islam and Jihad in its path" (i.e. Qutb) to use the words of Allaamah Mahmood Shakir, written 48 years go!

  • He wrote a book called (أضواء إسلامية على عقيدة سيد قطب وفكره ) "Adwaa Islaamiyyah 'Alaa aqidah Sayyid Qutb wa Fikrihi" (Islamic Illuminations Upon the Creed and Ideology of Sayyid Qutb) in which he defended the Islamic aqidah from the doctrines of the Jahmiyyah, Mu'tazilah, Ash'ariyyah, Jabariyyah, Rafidah, Hululiyyah, Ittihaadiyyah, Ishtiraakiyyah (Socialist Communists) and others, all of which are found in the books of Qutb (primarily in az-Zilaal) and distributed the world over. And this was after a people were propagandizing for Qutb, being treacherous to the Ummah by putting Qutb alongside Shaykh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and Shaykh ul-Islam Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab, and parading him as one of the "Imaams of Guidance"!

  • He wrote a book called (جماعة واحدة لا جماعات وصراط واحد لا عشرات) "Jamaa'ah Waahidah, Laa Jamaa'aat Siraat Waahid, Laa Asharaat" (A Single Jamaa'ah, not Many Jamaa'ahs, A Single Path, not Tens of [Paths]), in refutation of the pluralist, secularist da'wah of Abdur-Rahman Abdul-Khaliq al-Misree who was simply continuing the work of Hasan al-Banna and his secular, pluralistic da'wah which called for the unification of all creeds and affiliations, including the Raafidah, for working together to establish the khilaafah!

Here's the Truth, the Qutbiyyah Know It, They Are Just Too Cowardly to Acknowledge It (Its a Psychological as Well As an Intellectual Problem That They Have)

Here's the deal, this is the truth that is hidden in plain sight:

Enmity was not designated for this man, this Shaykh and Mujaahid, except because of what he wrote in these books (in the early to mid 1990s) which constituted a decisive refutation of the figureheads of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen, Sayyid Qutb, Hasan al-Banna and likewise Abu A'laa Mawdudi, their "fikr" and whoever propagandized for these individuals and was upon their "fikr" (the methodologies of these individual were simply their own "fikr" derived out of the secular ideologies and secular political methodologies current at the time - learn more here). And a people claiming Salafiyyah, tainted with these methodologies, when they saw that these refutations put their da'awaat (calls) and their hizbiyyaat (partisanships) in jeopardy, then they amassed whatever they could of wealth, resources, cunning and guile to make this man fall. When they saw their foundations demolished and their edifices in ruins, they dedicated themselves to the goal of making Shaykh Rabi' fall, so they ran to the other Scholars, rumour-mongering and scare-mongering. They tried it with Muftee Shaykh Bin Baaz then in the early 1990s (see here) and they continue in this vain today with the likes of the Muftee Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh (see here). And they systematically trawled through his cassettes in order to tarnish him with faults, and they started swimming oceans, conquering mountains, ascending the skies and digging into the recesses of the earth in order to tarnish the Shaykh - all with a combined effort that they never ever showed for the sake of the Islamic aqidah and nor for the Companions of Allaah's Messenger (when shown the calamities of Qutb and Banna) - rather they only showed this activity because their figureheads, Sayyid Qutb, Hasan al-Banna and their errant creeds and alien methodologies were refuted.

And what we see today of the rodents running around here and there, is simply a continuation of that activity from 15 years ago, except that the rodents today are operating from the sewers into which they were pushed when all of the Major Imaams of the Religion (Imaam Ibn Baz, Imaam al-Albani, Imaam Ibn Uthaymin) and a great number of the Shaykhs of Ahl us-Sunnah vindicated Shaykh Rabi al-Madkhali in his Jihad against the Innovators, in each and every single issue, in his corroboration of the methodology of the Prophets in calling to Allaah (see here), his refutation of the mistakes and innovations of Qutb (see here, here), his corroboration that Islaam only knows one Jamaa'ah, not tens of them, and in his defence of the Islamic aqidah from the bid'ahs of the Jahmiyyah, Mu'tazilah, Ash'ariyyah, Jabariyyah and others (see here, here and here), and we can document much more but we don't want to lengthen the affair here.

And thus, in the sewers have they remained (by choice), through their own actions. And what a befitting abode are the sewers for:

The Allies of:

The mockers of the Prophets, the revilers of Uthman (radiallaahu anhu) the negators of the Islam of Abu Sufyan, Hind, Mu'awiyah and Bani Umayyah, the Mu'awwils of Allaah's Istiwaa, the Negators of Allaah's Uluww, the Utterers of Kufr, the Mukaffirs of the whole Ummah, the propounders of manifestos of Secular Atheist Jews, the Casters of aspersion upon the Prophetic Sunnah, the Rejectors of Aahaad Hadeeth in aqidah, the propounders of Jahmite Usool used to negate the Attributes, the Negators of Allaah's Speech (Kalaam), the Propounders of the kufr of the creation of the Qur'an.

The while they proclaim "refutation of the Ash'arites" and "defence of the Islamic aqidah", as they say. So these people are fake and walhamdulillaah, their actions testify to their fakeness and to their hypocrisy (in action), and their corruption in al-walaa wal-baraa' - their own actions pass judgment upon them. Jealousy and rank hatred has consumed them, and is what propels their actions. They are now faking jealousy and concern for the honour of Mu'awiyah but they never, not for one day, hour, or minute, displayed this jealousy when reviling of Mu'awiyah and negation of Islam from him and from his parents and revilement of Uthmaan (radiallaahu anhum ajma'een) was shown to them in the books of their Sayyid 15 years ago. And thus their actions over the past 15 years have rendered them liars, and it appears that they have now taken this jealousy, rank hatred and the goal of vilifying this one Scholar (for refuting their methodologies and figureheads) as a deen (way) to be followed, they consider it "jihad" and "refuting the innovators". And so in the sewers shall their affair remain ...

So all praise is due to Allaah who made the Imaams of the Religion, the Imaams of the Sunnah, the Imaams of the Salafi Da'wah to praise, commend and recommend the works of Shaykh Rabi bin Hadi al-Madkhali, and recommend them as the criterion of the Salafi aqidah and as methodologies of reform, rectification and corroboration of the way of the Prophets in da'wah to Allaah, and all praise is due to Allaah who decreed for the Mushrik Rafidi Sh'ites - may they be cursed - to praise, commend, extol, translate, and propagate the books of Sayyid Qutb as followed methodologies (perhaps for no other reason except that he harbored the same poison of rafd, and rafd again, that they took as their deen) - in their Iranian Sh'ite Revolution of 1978.

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