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Muftee Abdul-Azeez Aal al-Shaykh on the Saying of Sayyid Qutb About Mu'awiyyah and Amr bin al-Aas: It is the Saying of a Baatinee Khabeeth or a Yahoodee La'een and is the Epitomy of Nifaaq
The Muftee on the Saying of Qutb: It is the Saying of a Baatinee Khabeeth or Yahoodee La'een, it Cannot be Said by a Muslim Listen to the audio here: http ...
Friday, March 16 2012 - by Admin

Shaykh al-Raajihee Declares the Extremist Haddaadiyyah as Liars
Recently, a group of the extremist Haddaadis have been taking and misrepresenting issues to some of the Scholars such as the Muftee, Shaykh al-Fawzaan and ...
Tuesday, August 26 2014 - by Admin

Shaykh al-Luhaydan: They Harbour Malice Towards Shaykh Rabee Because He Refutes the Opposers
Here is the audio recording: Shaykh al-Luhaydaan was asked (6th Safar 1435H): ...
Wednesday, December 18 2013 - by Admin

Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee: Shaykh Rabee is an Ayah (Sign) in Knowledge of the Hizbiyyeen
In his book (تحفة القريب والمجيب) Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee ...
Tuesday, October 08 2013 - by Admin

Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee: Shaykh Rabee is Insightful Regarding the Hizbiyyeen and 'Chisels Out' Their Hizbiyyah
Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee (rahimahullaah) stated about Shaykh Rabee bin Haadee: وأنا أنصح الأخوة ...
Tuesday, October 08 2013 - by Admin

Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee: Shaykh Rabee is From the Taa'ifah Mansoorah and Filters out the Hizbiyyeen
Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee (rahimahullaah) stated about Shaykh Rabee bin Haadee: بحمد لله أهل & ...
Tuesday, October 08 2013 - by Admin

Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee on Shaykh Rabee: If Shaykh Rabee Says So and So is a Hizbee, Over the Passing of Days, It Will Become Clear That He is a Hizbee
Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee (rahimahullaah) stated about Shaykh Rabee bin Haadee: مِنْ أبصر الناس ...
Tuesday, October 08 2013 - by Admin

Refutation of the Slander of the Confused Abdullaah al-Farsee Against Shaykh Rabee Regarding the Issue of Iqaamat ul-Hujjah
Introduction and Background A few days ago (this article is a year old September 2012), some blind-followers of Abdulla ...
Tuesday, October 08 2013 - by Admin

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan Asked About Whoever Twisted His Speech to Attack Shaykh Rabee: It is From His Own Desire and He Will Bear the Burden of Sin
First, before you go any further, you must read this article: The Words of Imaam Ibn Baz Falling on Those (Qutbiyyah) Who Lied Upon Him (Safar al-Hawali, Salman ...
Tuesday, October 08 2013 - by Admin

A Gift to Salman al-Awdah and Safar al-Hawali: Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan: Being Labelled with 'Jaamiyyah' is a Praise and a Tazkiyah
Shaykh Muhammad Amaan al-Jaamee (rahimahullaah) was one of the first of the Scholars of Madeenah to expose and stand up the Extremist Qutbiyyah who emerged ...
Sunday, August 11 2013 - by Admin

Sayyid Qutb and Ayatollah Kashani (Both Rafidees) and Abu Zubair Saleem Begg and Abu Fatimah Salman Awan (Both Practical Ghulaat al-Murji'ah)
A Shi'ite magazine publication called "Risaalah al-Taqreeb" (which has its own dedicated website) is aimed at "bringing together the various madhahib." It ...
Thursday, July 25 2013 - by Admin

Sayyid Qutb and Nawab Safawi (Both Rafidees), Abu Zubayr Saleem Begg al-Ikhwani and Abu Fatimah Salman Awan (Both Practical Ghulaat al-Murji'ah), Defenders of Raafidees and Lickers of their Boots
In this article we have a number of different issues to address and they can be summarized as follows: Sayyid Qutb and Nawab Safawi al-Shi'iyy - two c ...
Sunday, July 21 2013 - by Admin

Abdullaah al-Farsee, Sajid Kayum (Slanderhouse Master), Salman al-Awdah al-Ikhwaanee, Muhammad al-Areefee al-Ikhwaanee and Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan al-Salafee and Ta'weel of the Hadeeth of Hudhayfah bin al-Yamaan
Abdullaah al-Farsee and His Fanatical Follower Sajid Kayum Abdullaah al-Farsee is an individual who chose misguidance a ...
Wednesday, June 19 2013 - by Admin

The Satanic Path of Sajid Kayum's Slanderhouse Forums Evaluated in Light of the Prophetic Sunnah
Please read the introduction to of this series, in which the o ...
Friday, September 28 2012 - by Admin

Flashback: Abdullaah al-Farsee From 1996 Refuting Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq, Safar al-Hawali and Salman al-Awdah Before He Flipped, Rejected the Truth He Previously Knew and Chose Misguidance After Guidance
Who Is Abdullah al-Farsee? Abdullaah al-Farsee came on the scene in the early to mid-90s when he took the path alongside the Scholars who ...
Sunday, September 16 2012 - by Admin

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan's Support and Praise of Shaykh Rabee's Refutation of Hasan al-Maalikee
Introduction Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee played an instrumental role in exposing the Heretical Ash'aris and M ...
Sunday, September 16 2012 - by Admin

Sajid Kayum: The Hypocritical Coward Who Runs The Forums of Amwaat.Morg In Which Slanders and Alleged Sins Are Spread About Other Muslims
To see a good illustration of corruption and hypocrisy, see this new important article, "Abdullaah al-Farsee, Sajid Kayum (Slanderhouse Master), Salman al-Awdah ...
Thursday, September 13 2012 - by Admin

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan Supported Shaykh Rabee Against Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul-Khaaliq (Refutation of Abdullaah al-Farsee, Abu Usaamah Khaleefah And Others)
Introduction In the early to mid-20th century, a group of "thinkers" (Hassan al-Bannaa, Sayyid Qutb, Taqi al-Din al-Nabahani) ...
Wednesday, September 12 2012 - by Admin

Refutation of the Slander of the Confused Abdullaah al-Farsee Against Shaykh Rabee' Regarding the Issue of Iqaamat ul-Hujjah
Introduction and Background A few days ago, some blind-followers of Abdullah al-Farsee in Kuwait published a video in which Ab ...
Tuesday, September 11 2012 - by Admin

Regarding Abu al-Hasan al-Ma'ribee al-Ikhwani: Why Shaykh Rabee' Was Correct and Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad Was Wrong (Yet Both Are Rewarded) - Part 1
Introduction and Background It is from the rule of Allaah that there is no mubtadi' (innovator) who intends evil for the aqid ...
Monday, September 10 2012 - by Admin

Muftee Abdul-Azeez Aal al-Shaykh: The Contemporary Takfiris Are the Khawaarij Whose Intent is To Disfigure Islaam
Another smiting on the lips of the Takfiri Kharijites followers of that who revived the deen of the Khawaari ...
Friday, August 10 2012 - by Admin

Muftee Abdul-Azeez Aal al-Shaykh on the Saying of Sayyid Qutb About Mu'awiyyah and Amr bin al-Aas: It is the Saying of a Baatinee Khabeeth or a Yahoodee La'een and is the Epitomy of Nifaaq
The Muftee on the Saying of Qutb: It is the Saying of a Baatinee Khabeeth or Yahoodee La'een, it Cannot be Said by a Muslim Listen to the audio here: http ...
Friday, March 16 2012 - by Admin

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzan on Using the Labels of 'Jaamiyyah' and 'Madaakhilah'
Sunday, March 04 2012 - by Admin

The Relationship Between Shaykh Rabee al-Madkhali and the Major Scholars: Part 4 - Shaykh Salih al-Luhaydaan's Praise of Shaykh Rabee 1433H
This is part of a series: Please refer to the , for important background information. Today, we hav ...
Friday, January 13 2012 - by Admin

Shaykh al-Fawzan Defends Imaams Ibn Baz and Ibn Uthaymin From the Accusation of Irjaa'
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan defends Imaam's Ibn Baz and Ibn al-Uthaymin (rahimahumallaah) from the slanders of the Qutbiyyah Takfiriyyah that they are Murji'ah. This ...
Saturday, December 31 2011 - by Admin

Sayyid Qutb and Mohammad Qutb Were Asharis
The Shaykh and Muhaddith Hammaad al-Ansari (rahimahullaah) said, "Muhammad Quṭb is an Ashʿarī" and he also said, "Muhammad Quṭb, Sayyid Quṭb's ...
Saturday, November 06 2010 - by Admin

Shaykh al-Albani, Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin, Shart Kamal and Shart Sihhah, Irjaa and the Gormless Hawalian Qutbis
Introduction After the Imams, Mashayikh and students of knowledge of Ahl al-Sunnah silenced and laid to rest the ...
Sunday, September 26 2010 - by Admin

Sayyid Qutb and Cultivation Upon Sufism, Tasawwuf and Its Works: Part 2
Sayyid Qutb and the Books of the Heretical Sufis To the right is Salaah al-Khaalidee's (من الم&# ...
Wednesday, July 07 2010 - by Admin

Sayyid Qutb and Cultivation Upon Sufism, Tasawwuf and Its Works: Part 1
Sayyid Qutb and Reciting al-Fatihah Over Food For Presentation to the Dead To the right is one of the earlier books of Sayyid Q ...
Wednesday, July 07 2010 - by Admin

Sayyid Qutb, the Revolution Against the Caliph Uthmaan and the Revolution of the Baatiniyyah Raafidah Qaraamitah
Sayyid Qutb and the Revolution of Abdullah bin Saba' Against Uthmaan and the Revolution of the Qaraamitah Baatiniyah Shi'ah We have documented in other articles ...
Wednesday, June 30 2010 - by Admin

The Prophetic Hadeeth in Refutation of Sayyid Qutb's Secularist, Marxist Communist Principles
We have established and documented in previous articles that Sayyid Qutb was gulping down Western materialist philosophies, along with his teacher, al-Aqqaad, ...
Thursday, March 25 2010 - by Admin

Defending and Exonerating Islam From Sayyid Qutb's Islamo-Communism
We have established and documented in previous articles that Sayyid Qutb was gulping down Western materialist philosophies, along with his teacher, al-Aqqaad, ...
Tuesday, March 02 2010 - by Admin

Did Sayyid Qutb Repent From Abusing and Attacking the Companions? Refuting the Intellectual Fraud of the Extremist Qutbiyyah - Part 4
More Signs of the Propensity to Defend Baatil at All Costs The Qutbiyyah have brought some quotations from Sayyid Qutb in relation to the issue of his attacks ...
Thursday, February 04 2010 - by Admin

Shaykh Abdul-Aziz ar-Raajihee on Secular Laws and Abolishing the Entire Sharee'ah
Shaykh Abdul-Aziz ar-Rajihee's Explanation of the Fourth Nullifier Shaykh Abdul-Aziz ar-Rajihee, in his commentary upon "Nawaaqid ul-Islaam" of Shaykh ul-Islaam ...
Monday, February 01 2010 - by Admin

Audio of Shaykh Mahmood Shakir from March 1976 In Defence of the Companions of the Messenger
Shaykh Mahmood Shakir (rahimahullaah), the brother of the Muhaddith, Ahmad Shakir (rahimahullaah) defended the Companions of Allaah's Messenger (alayhis salaam) ...
Monday, February 01 2010 - by TheMadkhalis.Com

Did Sayyid Qutb Repent From Abusing and Attacking the Companions? Refuting the Intellectual Fraud of the Extremist Qutbiyyah - Part 3
Part 3: Third Example of Change in Wording In the 5th edition of "al-Adaalah al-Ijtimaa'iyyah fil-Islaam" (Social Justice in Islaam), Qutb said on page 186 of ...
Saturday, January 30 2010 - by Admin

Sayyid Qutb and the Aqidah of the Raafidah: Part 7 - Mahmood Shakir's Defence of the Companions Against the Attacks of Sayyid Qutb - Seventh Installment
Do Not Revile My Companions! Seventh Installment لا تسبوا أصحابي للأستاذ ...
Saturday, January 30 2010 - by Admin

Did Sayyid Qutb Repent From Abusing and Attacking the Companions? Refuting the Intellectual Fraud of the Extremist Qutbiyyah - Part 2
Part 2: Second Example of Change in Wording In the 5th edition of "al-Adaalah al-Ijtimaa'iyyah fil-Islaam" (Social Justice in Islaam), Qutb said on page 187 ...
Saturday, January 30 2010 - by TheMadkhalis.Com

Did Sayyid Qutb Repent From Abusing and Attacking the Companions? Refuting the Intellectual Fraud of the Extremist Qutbiyyah - Part 1
Part 1: First Example of Change in Wording In the 5th edition of "al-Adaalah al-Ijtimaa'iyyah fil-Islaam" (Social Justice in Islaam), Qutb said on page 189 of ...
Friday, January 29 2010 - by Admin

Sayyid Qutb and the Aqidah of the Raafidah: Part 6 - Mahmood Shakir's Defence of the Companions Against the Attacks of Sayyid Qutb - Sixth Installment - Attacks upon Mu'awiyah, Hind and Bani Umayyah
Do Not Revile My Companions! Sixth Installment لا تسبوا أصحابي للأستاذ ...
Friday, January 29 2010 - by Admin

Salman al-Awdah, Aa'id al-Qarnee, Habib Ali al-Jifree and Amr Khalid: The Ikhwani Bannaawi Manhaj in Practice
You may recall in our Bayaan Talbis al-Qutbiyyah series, regarding a loaded question put to the Muftee, the Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aal ash-Shay ...
Thursday, January 28 2010 - by Admin

Aa'id al-Qarnee: Remove the Fuse of The Fitnah Between the Sunnah and the Shiah
You may recall in our Bayaan Talbis al-Qutbiyyah series, regarding a loaded question put to the Muftee, the Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aal ash-Shay ...
Thursday, January 28 2010 - by Admin

Sayyid Qutb And The French Connection: The French Catholic, Social Darwinist Doctor That Influenced Qutb's 'Jaahiliyyah'
The twentieth century "Leninist" Takfiri Revolutionary movement was spawned through Qutb's anti-capitalist writings through the notions of "social justice", "state" ...
Thursday, January 28 2010 - by Admin

Sayyid Qutb and the Aqidah of the Ash'ariyyah Jahmiyyah: Part 13 - Ta'weel of the Arsh, Negation of al-Uluww and Negation of 'Hawaadith' Upon the Way of the Jahmiyyah
The Aqidah of the Ash'ariyyah Jahmiyyah in Qutb's Commentary on the Qur'an - Ta'weel of al-Arsh (The Throne) Qutb, in az-Zilal (4/2478) wrote, commenting upon ...
Wednesday, January 27 2010 - by Admin

Salaah al-Khaalidee: Qutb Drank Heavily From the Western Materialist Philosophies Which Led Him To Doubt Islam for 15 Years
The Reality Behind The Existence of the Greatest of Calamities in the Works of Sayyid Qutb The realities can be arrived at by lookin ...
Monday, January 25 2010 - by Admin

Bayan Talbis al-Qutbiyyah: Part 3 - The Allegation that Shaykh Rabee' Made Takfeer of Shaykh Ibn Jibreen
Introduction In this article we look at a cold, calculated deliberate fabrication and lie perpetrated by Abu Zubair Saleem Begg al-Kadhdhaabee. When you ...
Monday, January 25 2010 - by Admin

Shaykh Salih al-Luhaydaan: Praises and Defends Shaykh Rabee' on 21/01/2010CE
Shaykh Salih al-Luhaydan Praises and Defends Shaykh Rabee' Shaykh Salih al-Luhaydaan, in a question answer session yesterday (21/01/2010CE) following a talk ...
Friday, January 22 2010 - by Admin

Readings in Elementary Communism: Karl Marx, Freidrich Engels, Sayyid Qutb, Capitalism, the State, Social Justice, Revolution and the Communist Manifesto
Sayyid Qutb and Marxist Communism Sayyid Qutb, despite an early Islamic upbringing, spent around 15 years or so in uncertainty and confusion, doubting about ...
Wednesday, January 20 2010 - by Admin

Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan: Deconstructs the Basis of the Da'wah of the 20th Century Callers to the Narrow, Restricted Haakimiyyah
Amazing Words from Shaykh Salih al-Fawzaan Uncovering the Futility of the Callers to the Narrow, Restricted, Political Haakimiyyah Often you come across many ...
Tuesday, January 19 2010 - by Admin

A Picture Paints (Characterizes) a Thousand Qutbis: Hasan al-Banna, Sayyid Qutb, Abu A'la Mawdudi, the Rafidah and the Iranian Revolution
The poor Qutbiyyah, they "can't see the wood for the trees." Definition: If you "can't see the wood for the trees", you can't see the whole situation clearly because ...
Monday, January 18 2010 - by Admin

Sayyid Qutb and the Revolution Organized in Egypt Against the Third Khalifah Uthman bin Affaan
Sayyid Qutb Praises the Revolution Instigated By Abdullah Bin Saba Against Uthmaan bin Affaan (radiallaahu anhu) To the ...
Monday, January 18 2010 - by Admin

The Sayings, Verdicts and Rulings of the Scholars of Ahl us-Sunnah Regarding the Doctrines and Books of Sayyid Qutb (21)
Concerning Shaykh Ibn Jibreen's Defence of Hasan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb (6)
Misguiding the Ummah Through Propaganda For Qutb's Books: An Encyclopedia of the Innovations and Deviations They Contain (13)
The False Comparison Between Hadith Giants Ibn Hajar, an-Nawawi and 20th Century Ignoramuses (2)
Sayyid Qutb and the Aqidah of the Rafidah in Reviling and Abusing the Companions (7)
Sayyid Qutb and the Issue of the Doctrine of 'Wahdat ul-Wujood' (4)
Bayan Talbis al-Qutbiyyah - Explanation of the Deception of the Qutbiyyah (4)
Qutbi Competition Corner - Test Your Aptitude for Defending Baatil (1)
Hasan al-Banna, al-Ikhwan and the Rafidite Shiah (3)
Latest Articles
Shaykh al-Raajihee Declares the Extremist Haddaadiyyah as Liars
Shaykh al-Luhaydan: They Harbour Malice Towards Shaykh Rabee Because He Refutes the Opposers
Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee: Shaykh Rabee is an Ayah (Sign) in Knowledge of the Hizbiyyeen
Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee: Shaykh Rabee is Insightful Regarding the Hizbiyyeen and 'Chisels Out' Their Hizbiyyah
Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee: Shaykh Rabee is From the Taa'ifah Mansoorah and Filters out the Hizbiyyeen
Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee on Shaykh Rabee: If Shaykh Rabee Says So and So is a Hizbee, Over the Passing of Days, It Will Become Clear That He is a Hizbee
Refutation of the Slander of the Confused Abdullaah al-Farsee Against Shaykh Rabee Regarding the Issue of Iqaamat ul-Hujjah
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan Asked About Whoever Twisted His Speech to Attack Shaykh Rabee: It is From His Own Desire and He Will Bear the Burden of Sin
A Gift to Salman al-Awdah and Safar al-Hawali: Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan: Being Labelled with 'Jaamiyyah' is a Praise and a Tazkiyah
Sayyid Qutb and Ayatollah Kashani (Both Rafidees) and Abu Zubair Saleem Begg and Abu Fatimah Salman Awan (Both Practical Ghulaat al-Murji'ah)
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A Picture Paints (Characterizes) a Thousand Qutbis: Hasan al-Banna, Sayyid Qutb, Abu A'la Mawdudi, the Rafidah and the Iranian Revolution
Sajid Kayum: The Hypocritical Coward Who Runs The Forums of Amwaat.Morg In Which Slanders and Alleged Sins Are Spread About Other Muslims
Readings in Elementary Communism: Karl Marx, Freidrich Engels, Sayyid Qutb, Capitalism, the State, Social Justice, Revolution and the Communist Manifesto
Regarding Abu al-Hasan al-Ma'ribee al-Ikhwani: Why Shaykh Rabee' Was Correct and Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad Was Wrong (Yet Both Are Rewarded) - Part 1
The Satanic Path of Sajid Kayum's Slanderhouse Forums Evaluated in Light of the Prophetic Sunnah
Muftee Abdul-Azeez Aal al-Shaykh on the Saying of Sayyid Qutb About Mu'awiyyah and Amr bin al-Aas: It is the Saying of a Baatinee Khabeeth or a Yahoodee La'een and is the Epitomy of Nifaaq
The Relationship Between Shaykh Rabee al-Madkhali and the Major Scholars: Part 3 - Imaam Ibn Baz Requesting Shaykh Rabee in Writing To Refute a Denier of Allaah's Attributes
Sayyid Qutb and the Revolution Organized in Egypt Against the Third Khalifah Uthman bin Affaan
Imaam al-Albani to Shaykh Rabee: Everything With Which You Refuted Qutb For Is Correct and True and May Allaah Reward You For Fulfilling The Obligation of Exposing His Ignorance and Deviance
The Words of Imaam Ibn Baz Falling on Those (Qutbiyyah) Who Lied Upon Him (Safar al-Hawali, Salman al-Awdah, Muhammad Sa'eed al-Qahtani, Aa'id al-Qarnee, Abdur-Razzaq ash-Shayijee): Callers of Falsehood and Stirrers of the Murky Waters

aa'id al-qarnee aa'id al-qarni abbaas al- abbas el-akkad abd al-aziz aal ash-shaikh abdul-aziz aal ash-shaikh abdul-aziz ar-raajihee abdullaah al-farsee abdullah al-farsee abdullah azzam abdullah bin saba' abdur-rahmaan abdul-khaaliq abdur-razzaq ash-shayijee abu a'la mawdudi abu al-hasan al-ma'ribee abu sufyan ahmad shakir ahya al-adaalah al-ijtimaa'iyyah al-arsh albaanee albani alexis carrel al-fawzaan al-fawzan algeria al-ghazali al-ghudayan al-ikwan al-muslimoon al-istiwaa al-luhaidan al-mubarakfuri al-uluww amr khalid an-nawawi aqidah aqqaad ar-razi ash'ari asharis ash'aris ash'arite ash'ariyyah asha'riyyah az-zilal banna barbarism bayaan talbis al-qutbiyyah bayan talbis al-qutbiyyah christianity communism communist manifesto egypt excommunication extremism faith fawzan fi zilal il-quran fi zilal il-qur'an fikr frederick engels george bush ghaddafi ghulaat al-murji'ah ghuluww grave worship haakimiyyah habib ali al-jifree hadd hammad al-ansari hasan al-banna hasan al-maalikee hayyiz hind hudood ibn arabi ibn baaz ibn baz ibn hajar al-asqalani ibn hajr ibn jibreen ibn jibrin ibn saba al-yahudi ibn taymiyyah ibn uthaymeen ibn uthaymin ihyaa al-turaath imaan in the shade of the qur'an iranian revolution irja irjaa irjaa' istibdaal istihzaa jaahiliyyah jahmiyyah jamaa'at ut-takfir jameel zainoo jihah karl marx kashani khabar ul-aahaad khabar ul-wahid khameni kharijites khawarij khomeini khurooj kufr bawah leninism leninists libya madaakhilah madkhali madkhalis mahmood shakir mahmud shakir makaan makhlooq marxism marxist socialism mawdudi milestones mockery mohammad qutb mongols moosaa moses mu'awiyah mufawwidah mufawwidh muhammad al-areefee muhammad bin ibraaheem muhammad bin ibrahim muhammad sa'eed al-qahtani muqbil bin haadee muqbil bin hadi murji'ah nawab safawi nawawi qawaaneen qawanin qsep qur'an qutb qutbi qutbi manhaj qutbis qutbiyyah qutubiyyah raafidah rabi al-madkhali rabi bin hadi al-madkhali rafidah rafidah shi'ah revolutionary ideology safar al-hawali sahaabah sajid kaym sajid kayum salafi manhaj saleem begg salih aal ash-shaykh salih al-luhaydan salman al-aqdah salman al-awdah salman awan saudi saudi arabia sayyid qutb secular law secular laws secularism shaikh rabi shanqeetee shanqiti shaykh abd al-aziz aal ash-shaykh shaykh abd al-aziz bin baz shaykh abdul-aziz bin baz shaykh al-albani shaykh al-luhaydaan shaykh al-uthaymin shaykh ibn jibrin shaykh ibn uthaymin shaykh muhammad amaan al-jaamee shaykh muqbil bin haadee shaykh muqbil bin hadi shaykh rabee shaykh rabee' shaykh rabee bin haadee shaykh rabi shaykh rabi al-madkali shaykh rabi bin hadi al-madkhali shiah shi'ites shirk sifaat fi'liyyah social justice socialism soofee speech of allaah sufi sufism syria tabdeel tafweed tahkeem tahkeem al-qawaaneen tahkim al-qawanin takfeer takfir takfiris takhyeel tamyee' tashree' taswir al-fanni fil-qur'an tatars ta'weel tawhid tawhid al-haakimiyyah tawhid al-hakimiyyah tawhid al-hukm the companions ubaydullah al-mubarakfuri wahdat ul-wujood zilal

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