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Sayyid Qutb and the Revolution of Abdullah bin Saba' Against Uthmaan and the Revolution of the Qaraamitah Baatiniyah Shi'ah
We have documented in other articles that Sayyid Qutb praised and lauded the revolution against Uthmaan (radiallaahu anhu) as "an outburst of the Islamic spirit", and that those "who had drunk from the spirit of the religion" were the ones behind it. This is how Qutb described the vagabonds who revolted against Uthmaan (radiallaahu), acknowledging at the same time that it was instigated by Abdullaah bin Saba'. Refer to this article for more information.
It should then come as no surprise to us that Qutb also praises the revolutions of the Qaraamitah Baatiniyah Raafidah Shi'ah, who as Shaykh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah explains (in al-Majmoo'13/209-210) are the most disbelieving of people and the greatest in their enmity and harm to Islam and the Muslims:
والشيعة استتبعوا أعداء الملة من الملاحدة والباطنية وغيرهم ولهذا أوصت الملاحدة - مثل القرامطة الذين كانوا في البحرين وهم من أكفر الخلق ومثل قرامطة المغرب ومصر وهم كانوا يستترون بالتشيع - أوصوا بأن يدخل على المسلمين من باب التشيع فإنهم يفتحون الباب لكل عدو للإسلام من المشركين وأهل الكتاب والمنافقين
...and the Shi'ah entice the enemies of the religion, amongst the atheists, the Baatiniyyah and others besides them. For this reason they counsel the atheists - such as the Qaraamitah who used to be in Bahrain, and they are the most disbelieving of the creation, and the likes of the Qaraamitah of the Maghreb and Egypt, and they used to conceal themselves behind Tashayyu' (beliefs of the Shi'ah) - they counseled them to enter upon the Muslims from the door of Shi'ism, for they (the Shi'ites) open up the door to every enemy of Islaam, amongst the Mushriks, the people of the Book, and the Hypocrites So after lauding and validating the revolution against the Islamic authority of Uthmaan (radiallaahu anhu), he lauds the revolutions of the most disbelieving of mankind against the Islamic authorities, so lets take a look at what he has written. Sayyid Qutb wrote in "al-Adaalah al-Ijtimaa'iyyah":
والواقع أن اتهام النظام الإسلامي بأنه لا يحمل ضماناته، إغفال للممكنات الواقعة في كل نظام كما أن فيه إغفالاً لحقائق التاريخ الإسلامي الذي شهد الثورة الكبرى على عثمان، وشهد ثورة الحجاز على يزيد، كما شهد ثورة القرامطة وسواها ضد الاستغلال والسلطة الجائرة وفوارق الطبقات وما يزال الروح الإسلامي يصارع ضد هذه الاعتبارات جميعاً على الرغم من الضربات القاصمة التي وجهت إليه في ثلاثمائة وألف عام
The reality is that accusing the Islamic system of not fulfilling its guarantees is ignoring the possibilities taking place in every system, just as it is ignoring the realities of Islamic history which has witnessed the great revolution against Uthmaan, and witnessed the revolution of al-Hijaz against Yazeed, just as it witnessed the revolution of the Qaraamitah, and (revolutions) besides them, against exploitation and oppressive leadership and class differences. And the Islamic spirit has not ceased to wrestle against all of these expressions (i.e. of injustice), despite all the crushing blows that have been directed towards it in 1300 years. Shaykh Alee bin Yahyaa al-Haddaadi, after citing the above from Qutb's "al-Adaalah", writes the following note in his short treatise:
مما فعله القرامطة في ثورتهم التي يشيد بها سيد قطب قتل الحجاج في بيت الله الحرام في يوم التروية سنة 317هـ بقيادة زعيمهم الباطني الزنديق أبي طاهر لعنه الله، ثم سلب البيت الحجر الأسود، وسلب الحجاج أموالهم وهو يقول: أين الطير الأبابيل؟ أين الحجارة من سجيل؟ ومكث الحجر الأسود عند القرامطة حتى أعادوه بعد اثنتين وعشرين سنة . انظر تاريخ ابن كثير حوادث سنة 317هـ والله المستعان
From that which the Qaraamitah did in their revolution which Sayyid Qutb praises is the killing of the pilgrims in the Bayt Allaah al-Haraam on the day of tarwiyah in the year 317H under the leadership of their heretical Baatinee leader, Abu Taahir, may Allaah curse him. Then (they) removed the Black Stone from the Bayt, and kidnapped the pilgrims, taking their wealth, whilst saying, "Where are the birds of abaabeel? Where are the pebbles made of sijjeel (clay)." And the Black Stone remained with the Qaraamitah until they returned it after 22 years. Refer to Taareekh Ibn Katheer, the occurrences of the year 317H, and from Allaah is aid sought. Note how Qutb puts the revolution of the Qaraamitah Baatiniyyah alongside the "great revolution" against Uthmaan (radiallaahu anhu) and he lauds these revolutions as manifestations of "the Islamic spirit" which has never ceased to battle "social injustice" throughout the centuries. This fikr is something that Qutb continued upon right till the end of his life, as evidenced by his publications of his books al-Adaalah al-Ijtimaa'iyyah and Ma'rakat al-Islam wal-Ra'samaaliyyah.
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