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Introducing the Agitated Leninist Revolutionaries Sayyid Qutb al-Raafidee and Nawab Safawi al-Shi'iyy.
The second heretic in the picture is Nawab Safawi al-Shi'iyy. He was a revolutionary who was trying to ferment a revolution against the Shah of Iran and was a leading member of the Fedayeene Islami (a revolutionary group like Sayyid Qutb's Ikhwan) and was involved in assassinations. Like his friend, Sayyid Qutb, he was imprisoned numerous times for his activities. Nawab Safawi was also an associate and ally of Ayatullah Khomeini who later led the Iranian revolutoin in 1979. It is also interesting to note that the concept of jaahiliyyah (all modern societies are disbelieving societies) was common between Mawdudi, Qutb and Safawi and upon this ideology rested their revolutionary methodologies.
A statement related from Nawab Safawi is: (من أراد أن يكون جعفرياً حقيقياً فلينضم إلى صفوف الإخوان المسلمين), "Whoever wishes to be true Ja'fari (Shi'ah), then let him join the ranks of the Muslim Brotherhood" as occurs in Mawqif Ulamaa al-Muslimeen Min al-Shi'a of Izz al-Deen Ibraaheem (p. 15). And Umar al-Tilmisani, the third supreme leader of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen wrote in his book "Dhikriyaat, Laa Mudhakkaaraat" (p. 131), (كان طلبة الإخوان يحتفلون بذكرى نواب صفوي رئيس جمعية فدائيان إسلام الشيعية في إيران), "The students of al-Ikhwaan used to celebrate the mention of Nawab Safawi, the leader of the Jam'iyyah Fedaa'iyaan Islaam al-Shi'iyyah in Iraan." He also said in the same book, (ولم تفتر علاقة الإخوان بزعماء الشيعة فاتصلوا بآية الله الكاشاني واستضافوا في مصر نواب صفوي ، كل هذا فعله الإخوان لا ليحملوا الشيعة على ترك مذهبهم ! ، و لكنهم فعلوه لغرض نبيل يدعو إليه إسلامهم وهو محاولة التقريب بين المذاهب الإسلامية إلى أقرب حد ممكن), "And the connection between the Ikhwaan and the leaders of the Shi'ah did not slacken. They connected with Ayatallaah Kashani, and they invited Nawab Safawi to Egypt (hosting him as a guest). All of this was done by Ikhwaan not in order to make the Shi'ah leave their madhhab but they did this with a noble objective which their Islam called them to, which is to try and bring closeness between the Islamic madhhabs to the closest level possible." All the above quotes reveal to us the true and real relationship between al-Ikhwaan and the Raafidah in general and between Nawab Safawi and Sayyid Qutb on this occasion and some of the objectives behind the meetings taking place.
Just Read the Argument of This Raafidee Regarding Sayyid Qutb's Takfir of Mu'awiyah and Others In the book "al-Salafiyyah Bayn Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Imaamiyyah" (see inset of picture below) the Shi'ite author, Muhammad al-Katheeree, develops an argument in defence of the attacks of the Shi'ah against the Sahaabah. His argument is: So what if the Shi'ah protest the oppression of Mu'awiyah, Amr bin al-Aas and others, these Companions were guilty of that and rightly criticised and if you criticize us then what about Sayyid Qutb who explicitly made Takfir of these Companions for the very same for which we criticize them?!
In the scan above the author cites a number of statements from Sayyid Qutb in his book "Adaalah al-Ijtimaa'iyyah" where Qutb negates the Islaam of Mu'awiyah and the Bani Umayyah. If we had time we would translate the whole chapter, but that would be a diversion from this article. The reader, however, will have gotten the point at hand. Two Ghulaat al-Murji'ah To Whom Defence of Sayyid Qutb Is More Beloved than Defending the Honour of Uthmaan (radiallahu anhum) Mu'awiyah, Abu Sufyaan, Hind, Amr bin al-Aaas
So, there are two issues in front of us here. First, that these individuals love Sayyid Qutb more than they love Mu'awiyah and Abu Sufyaan (radiallaahu anhum) and the Companions from Banu Umayyah (Qutb negated Islaam from all of them) - as evidenced by their own activities over many long years. And the second connected point, is that they are Ghulaat al-Murji'ah practically speaking. Let us address these two issues, with the following notes: The history of activity of Saleem Begg al-Azzaamee and Salman Awaan is a disgraceful and criminal one and one that convicts them squarely of loving Sayyid Qutb more than Mu'awiyah (radiallaahu anhu). Many people reading this article will not know the historical background of these individuals, in particular that of Saleem Begg, from the late 1990s, through the 2000s and into this decade. One has to be in the know of this history to truly appreciate this observation. Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee (hafidhahullaah) wrote a number of books (in the mid 1990s) refuting Sayyid Qutb in defence of the honour of the Companions and also highlighted Qutb's revilements upon the Companions. He was not the first to do so, as Mahmood Shakir had already refuted Sayyid Qutb's Rafidee poison over forty years earlier. From this point, the Qutbiyyah waged an intense war against the Shaykh which they continue up until this day, except that that they have been exposed thoroughly and the only thing keeping them going is the increase in hate and rage after seeing that whilst in the early 90s Sayyid Qutbs books could be easily promoted (and hence used strategically for the Leninist, Marxist, Trotsyite revolution they envisage to help them establish al-Haakimiyyah) - after the effects of Shaykh Rabee's book, the Ikhwanis, Takfiris in general became scared of mentioning the name of Sayyid Qutb, it became a liability and was rendered toxic and harmful to the cause. With their flagship "Qutbiyyah" destroyed and ruined, only the arrogant rats remain in the shipwreck of Qutbiyyah, and that is what we are dealing with in this article.
Whilst, these individuals should have been shocked at Qutb's Takfir of Mu'awiyah, Abu Sufyan, Hind, Amr bin al-Aaas and Bani Umayyah, (and at Abu A'laa Mawdudi's similar ideological line) they instead waged an intense and severe war against Shaykh Rabee', reviling him, abusing him and accusing him of every loathsome thing. This does not even need any proof, their activities are open and well known and they make a public display of this, it is an openly known matter it is mutawaatir about them. This is a clear indication that their activities are motivated by love, veneration and defence of Sayyid Qutb and this in turn proves that Sayyid Qutb is more beloved in their hearts than those Companions whom Qutb made Takfir of, a matter he never made tawbah from, and the proof is upon the claimant. Almost 50 years after the Rafidee's execution, and we still do not have any evidence of a tawbah.
O Allaah, we ask you to raise us on Yawm al-Qiyaamah with Mu'awiyah bin Abu Sufyan, Amr bin al-Aas (radiyallaahu anhum), Shaykh Mahmud Shakir and others who defended the honour of Mu'awiyah, his parents and the Companions of Banee Umayyah and we ask you O Allaah to raise Abu Zubair Saleem Begg and Abu Fatimah Salman Awan with Sayyid Qutb and Mawdudi and that you raise Sayyid Qutb and Mawdudi with Khomeini, Khameini, Kashani and Safawi for indeed the love of these Ghulaat al-Murji'ah is greater for Sayyid Qutb than it is for the honour of Mu'awiyah, his parents and the Companions of Banu Umayyah whom Qutb made Takfir of and for which there is no evidence of any tawbah that meets the conditions of an acceptable tawbah - [rather Qutb continued upon this ideological conviction, unrepentantly, right through to the 1964 edition of al-Adaalah al-Ijtimaa'iyyah which retained that Rafidee poison against Uthmaan, Mu'awiyah and the Bani Umayyah (radiallaahu anhum)]. It is for Qutb's sake that these Ghulaat al-Murji'ah wage the fiercest of wars against the people of the Sunnah - a matter that is mutawaatir from them. And hence, they manifest their extremist, extremist Irjaa' in that whereas the tasdeeq in their hearts of the excellence and virtue of Mu'awiyah and Amr bin al-Aas should have filled their hearts with disgust at Qutb's ideological position against them, they instead turned the disgust of their hearts to those who defended these noble Companions from the Rafidee poison of Sayyid Qutb - and thus their eemaan in this regard is the eemaan of the Jahmiyyah - and refuge is from Allaah - namely, the attainment of al-eemaan al-waajib (the obligatory eemaan) [in this case with respect to the Companions] through mere tasdeeq alone, absent the actions of the heart which must by necessity follow! And it is from the Divine justice that whereas they accused the Imaams and Scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah with Irjaa', it is they who physically and practically manifest the most extreme of Irjaa', the Irjaa' of Jahm bin Safwaan, and their actions prove and establish this in a matter than cannot be disputed except by the most lying and dishonest of people, since these actions of theirs are known to all people and are mutawaatir from them. The Ghulaat Murji' psychology we are dealing with here is nicely explained in the following discourse (reproduced from this article) - and this will help us to establish the two points we are intending to make here (that their love of Sayyid Qutb is greater and that they are Ghulaat al-Murji'ah practically speaking): A Few Notes on the Current Activities of the Qutbiyyah Ikhwaaniyyah We see the Qutbiyyah coming out today in the blogs and forums with a fake display of jealousy for the Companions of Allaah's Messenger (alayhis salaam) and jealousy for the Islamic aqidah - and it burned them that they were described as such - but deep inside their own souls, they know that what they doing nowadays of claiming to defend Mu'aawiyah (radiallaahu anhu) is not genuine and it is not characterized by sincerity, and you might ask, how can you make such a judgment, and how can you make such a claim? The answer is that our deen is not the deen of the Murji'ah where we expel the actions of the heart from eemaan, such that we consider it plausible, admissible, acceptable and logical that:
The Deen of the Ghullaat al-Murji'ah And this is the deen of the Ghullaat ul-Murji'ah who expelled the actions of the heart from eemaan. You see, as Ibn Taymiyyah pointed out, there is no such thing as just "pure knowledge", rather all knowledge is such that it implies and necessitates the actions of the heart (unless there are barriers present like arrogance and hatred which prevent the expression of those actions necessitated by the knowledge). This is unlike what the Jahmiyyah and the Ghullaat al-Murji'ah presumed that mere knowledge in the heart can exist without necessitating the actions of the heart, and through which obligatory or perfect eemaan can be attained. And thus when the Sharee'ah knowledge reaches you of the status of the Companions, it necessitates the actions of the heart of loving them, defending them, honoring them and so on. Now, when you are angry and resentful that the Rafidee poison of a 20th century ignoramus is refuted and that his accusation against Mu'aawiyyah of ghish, khadee'ah and nifaaq (deception, treachery and hypocrisy) is exposed, as well as his negation of Islam from Abu Sufyan and Bani Umayyah as a whole (but it did not make you shake, shudder and scream in disgust that Qutb actually said that and persisted upon that after the hujjah was established) and further, that you revile, assault, attack defame and take every opportunity to belittle that very Shaykh who defended the honour of the Companions and refuted Qutb, alongside your knowledge that Qutb was refuted forty years ago in his lifetime by Mahmood Shakir, and never recanted but persisted upon that until his death - and then at the same time you claim you love Mu'aawiyah and the Companions and claim that you have brought al-eemaan al-waajib with respect to this matter - then you are the greatest of liars, and you are extreme in your Irjaa', the Irjaa' of the Ghullaat, Ghullaat ul-Murji'ah who claim the attainment of obligatory eemaan in the absence of the actions of the heart. And you are a shyster and insincere follower of desires, who is motivated not by jealousy for the Companion Mu'aawiyah, but for jealousy and anger for the sake of Sayyid Qutb, and it is nothing but jealousy for Sayyid Qutb and hatred for that Scholar that is behind all your current activites. And all praise is due to Allah who exposed you in broad daylight through your own actions! An Illustration Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said in Kitaab ul-Imaan (7/187-188):
Whilst noting here that Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah is demonstrating the repugnance of the Ghullaat al-Murji'ah through giving examples which are major kufr to illustrate how they divorced the actions of the heart from its speech, and thus, in turn, from the outward actions - the general principle (of the talaazum between the speech and action of the heart, and between the heart and the outward actions) nevertheless, still applies, and so we are going to illustrate here what these people are upon today of expelling the actions of the heart from eemaan, so here goes:
This is the reality of these people, be not in doubt, this is what they themselves are saying through their actions, all we have done is to put their actions into writing! Convicted By Their Own Actions Further, this action (fake display of love and defense of Mu'aawiyah) from these individuals actually proves two things.
Why the Qutbiyyah Attack Shaykh Rabee' The activities of these people that we see now on the blogs and forums are only taking place because Shaykh Rabee' refuted their symbolic figureheads whose ideologies they are actually upon - they are not upon the methodologies of the Salaf- from the greatest of which is to shun the Innovators and their books, especially those that contain the major innovations whose deviation is famous and well-known such as the bidah's of the Raafidah and the khawaarij. Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin explained why these people attack Shaykh Rabee' and it pretty much ends this entire matter - you don't need any more reasons and explanations as to why these people are doing what they are doing, they've already been convicted by the perspicacious and deeply insightful statements of the Imaams of the religion. Go to this article and read what Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin said about these people in explanation of the reason for them trying to tarnish Shaykh Rabee' with faults. Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin said in response to a question regarding those who attack Shaykh Rabee'
رأينا هذا غلط وخطأ عظيم ، والشيخ ربيع من علماء السنَّة ومن أهل الخير وعقيدته سليمة ومنهجه قويم ، لكن لما كان يتكلم على بعض الرموز عند بعض الناس من المتأخرين وصموه بهذه العيوب ، أعرفت ؟ .
So this makes a lot of things clear. The truth is clear and the actions of these people are clear.
Stretching the Rope And Giving Them A Little More Does Not Even Benefit These People Now lets go further, even if we push everything else aside - lets throw out Wahdat ul-Wujood, and lets throw out Qutb's bid'ah of the negation of "hawaadith" following the way and style of the Jahmiyyah, and all the Jahmee, Ash'ari, Mu'tazili doctrines found in az-Zilaal, and let's restrict ourselves to only two things, Qutb's aqidah of the Rafidah and his aqidah of the Khawaarij, and he died upon these things, then that would be enough for you to consider him an Innovator, who died an Innovator, for he never recanted from his Rafd and nor from his Khaarijiyyah which was worse and more severe than that of the very first Kharijite "Dogs of Hellfire", and upon whom, therefore, all of the usool of Ahl us-Sunnah apply as it relates to the Innovators and their books. So the fact that these people are willing to swim the oceans, conquer the mountains, enter into the deep and dark recesses of the earth, and venture out in sub-zero temperatures all for the sake of a 20th century ignoramus innovator, is sufficient to pass judgment upon them with following of desires - even if they try to deceive the people with the statement of this Shaykh and that Shaykh, drawing upon mere shubuhaat to defend a man in whose books there is nothing left of value (after taking out the greatest of misguidances found therein) except some cultural, literary excellence, and the skillful use of language.
It's All Fake ... We never saw you displaying jealousy for Mu'aawiyah by setting up Google Ads to defend the honour of Mu'aawiyah, rather you only spent from your wealth to defend those figureheads who displayed actual hatred in their hearts towards Mu'aawiyah and the Bani Umayyah (see Mahmood Shakir break it down here), [those figureheads] who persisted upon this hatred, accusing Mu'aawiyah of deception, hypocrisy and treachery. So you spend from your wealth to divert and avert the people away from websites and articles (i.e. this one) that do nothing but defend the Islamic aqidah from these excesses and which contain nothing but statements from the Imaams and Scholars of the religion. And you are doing all of this not for Mu'aawiyah or for the Islamic aqidah, but it is to express your rage, revenge, anger, resentment and hatred for a particular Scholar. Vain deeds, vain deeds, vain deeds. And putting all of our differences aside, if you actually have any intelligence coupled with even the slightest speck of the fear of Allaah, you will know deep inside your soul that this could not have been a more accurate characterization of you, meaning what has been said by Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin (see here), and what we have explained above in this aticle (and further below) on the basis of what Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin and others have said. So all of this helps us to understand the true nature of the activities of the Qutbiyyah who have come out of the woodwork and are now showing up on the blogs and forums. They only showed up because through this website, the "fikr" (ideology) - see excellent article here by Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh, and the Rafidi aqidah and the Kharijite aqidah is being exposed, alongside the doctrines of the Jahmiyyah, Mu'tazilah, Ash'ariyyah, Ittihaadiyyah, Jabariyyah and others whose expressions are found in the works of Qutb. This is why these people have come out of the woodwork now, only to defend Qutb and to create shubuhaat and to spread shubuhaat about Shaykh Rabee'. That is their sole motivating factor, be not in any doubt about it, and they themselves know it deep in their souls. It is not because they are jealous for Mu'aawiyah (radiallahu anhu) and jealous for the Salafi aqidah. So we say once again, our deen is not the deen of the Murji'ah who expel actions of the heart from eemaan, and it is your own actions and activities that have passed judgment upon you, and have rendered you liars. walilllaahil-hamd. The Alleged Retraction of Sayyid Qutb al-Rafidee The two aforementioned Ghulaat al-Murji'ah (practically speaking) have attempted to present as defence of Sayyid Qutb, three statements, one from Yusuf al-Qaradawi, one from Abdullah al-Aqeel and one from Mohammad Qutb (Sayyid Qutb's brother). The common theme in each of these three statements is that Qutb had two stages, his early stage (in the early 1950s) and a later stage and that he allegedly stated that only his later books should be distributed and considered, and that these are six books in number. They have presented this as an alleged retraction and repentance when it is absolutely nothing of the sort, and the hard facts and realities falsify these claims. These claims are part of the propaganda to defend Sayyid Qutb against all odds and to keep people attached to his heretical books. In response the following points can be made:
And with this we establish that these continued activities from Abu Zubair Saleem Begg and Abu Fatimah Salman Awaan prove that they are Ghulaat al-Murji'ah, filled with hate and resentment for the Salafi da'wah, its scholars and its callers, their actions being clear proof in broad daylight to all people of sane mind of this fact and that defence of Sayyid Qutb, washing his ideological Marxist Communist socks (of social justice) and licking his Rafidee boots is a loftier activity and more beloved to them than defending the honour of Mu'awiyah and his parents (radiallaahu anhum). By Allaah, they have passed judgement upon themselves by their own activies over the past years - their own actions speak of their conviction and all we have done here is to put in writing what their actions have dictated to us!
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