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Mail to a Friend Printer friendly ![]() We see the emergence of the Qutbiyyah nowadays (see here, here, here, here and here for proof that the Scholars recognize them and label them as a faction with this name and methodology), they are rushing towards the blogs and forums, in order to make defenses, apologetical writings, and expressing sentiments towards their figureheads who are Jahmite Ash'aris, together with what they expressed of the bid'ahs of the Raafidah, the bid'ahs of the Khawaarij, the bid'ahs of the Jahmiyyah, Mu'tazilah, Ash'ariyyah, Jabariyyah, Mutasawwifah and statements of expression of the bid'ahs of the Ittihaadiyyah, let alone other outright statements of kufr. These people have come out not for the sake of defending the Salafi aqidah or because of jealousy towards the Companions of Allaah's Messenger (alayhis salaam) but only because it grieves them that sincerity of purpose is given to the Ummah in warning against the misguidance and deviations found in the fikr (ideology) of the 20th century ignoramuses whom they have taken as their symbolic figureheads (rumooz). In this series of articles we will document and highlight, in no particular order, what they have testified upon themselves, through their own actions and activities, of the following of desires and aiding and supporting falsehood, upon knowledge and intent.
Concerning the General Advice of the Muftee Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aal ash-Shaykh
The Qutbiyyah are using a statement of Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aal ash-Shaykh which we have mentioned in a few previous articles, we will come to this after an important background and introduction. To understand why the Qutbiyyah are operating from the sewers in this manner you have go back into history and realize how they were forced down there to begin with. So what we are going to do here is simply give some background to help you understand the true nature of their activities today and what specifically they are in response to. Here's the answer: These people are upon the "fikr" (not Sharee'ah ilm, knowledge - see this excellent article here) that came to them from Hasan al-Banna, Sayyid Qutb and Mawdudi and their likes. These were 20th century non-Scholars, but "Islamic thinkers" and "Islamic writers" who devised ideologies and political methodologies by fusing the products of their own minds (after reflection upon society, civilization and so on) with secular ideologies, philosophies and political methodologies of the time. The goal of all of them was to establish the khilaafah, and as the khilaafah was the ultimate objective, being concerned about aqidah was essentially a waste of time - and this is manifest in what these people wrote and said. As a result of this, they utterly laid to waste and annihilated the aqidah of al-walaa wal-baraa as it relates to the affairs of Tawhid and aqidah. Qutb held that with the entire world "apostate" (according to him), its pointless dealing with aqidah and fiqh matters. And Hasan al-Banna likewise, worked to unite all the groups of innovation as well as non-Muslims (grave-worshippers, Shiah etc.), putting all differences in aqidah aside, to work for the greater objective. As a result of this "fikr" and making their own ideological language to be the conceptual framework upon which value judgements were made, we saw some of these people enter into very serious affairs - that's after we put aside their ignorance in aqidah (they were Ash'aris). So on the basis of their own extreme, exaggerated, innovated notions of "al-Adaalah al-Ijtimaa'iyyah" (Social Justice), "jaahiliyyah", "Haakimiyyah", the likes of Sayyid Qutb negated Islam from Mu'awiyah, his parents Abu Sufyan and Hind, Amr bin al-Aas and the Bani Umayyah. He reviled Uthmaan (radiallaahu anhu) and he also made Takfir of the entire Ummah and also called for Leninist type revolutions (the manifestos of atheist secular Jews) to be unleashed in all the Muslim lands). Something similar excesses occurred from Mawdudi, but much less severe than those of Qutb. And as for Banna, then he explicitly stated that his call is not to any particular creed, or against any particular religion, but rather it calls for the unity of everyone and so his way was to lay down methodologies and structures through which the jamaa'aat and madhaahib could all be fused into one for a common purpose.
Again, we are leaving out a lot of details for the purpose of brevity, but there occurred a situation when after Sayyid Qutb fell out with Jamal Abdul-Nasser, after helping to get him in power through a Leninist revolution in July 1952, he fell out with him and was later imprisoned. By the 1960s Nasserite Egypt was not a friendly environment for the Ikhwan, so a lot of them fled, some to Saudi Arabia, others to Syria, others to the Emirates and so on. And they began recruiting in those areas, and affecting the locals with this same "fikr", until in Saudi Arabia there emerged a generation of individuals, by the late 1980s, who, whilst demonstrating a Salafi aqidah, were tainted with this "fikr", as a result of which the two main ideological trends of the Ikhwan, "the takfiri, revolutionary mindset" and "the lenience towards the innovators and sects and gathering them all together for important political work" began to manifest - the former being that of Qutb and the latter being that of Banna.
After the Scholars of Madinah began to advise these individuals, in private and in person and through writing (the Qutbiyyah of today won't tell you that) for a long time, having patience with them, and these "Qutbiyyah" failed to heed, then it became clear that there was more to these individuals than meets the eye, for they made manifest signs of hizbiyyah. So the Scholars, at the head of them, Shaykh Rabi bin Hadi al-Madkhali, began to write numerous books as a refutation of the methodologies of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen and their figureheads. Some of the Books of Shaykh Rabi From the the most important of what Shaykh Rabi did was that:
As soon as the Shaykh started upon this path, the Qutbi Qiyaamah, was unleashed. Rank hatred, enmity and resentment was apportioned for the Shaykh, and this then began the long war of these people in trying their utmost, using every guile, stratagem, deception and cunning, in both knowledge-based matters (in inventing new false principles to defend their capital), and in their behaviour, to try and bring Shaykh Rabi down and to turn the other Scholars against him through cowardly means, and we will give examples of this including what happened with Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd (rahimahullaah), who was not actually with these people. To see one example in the early 90s of this type of behavior refer to this article:
And that specific behavior that you see in that article above is the same type of behavior that has continued over the two decades since this all came out in the open after the first Gulf War in 1990. Shaykh Rabi Vindicated Now, by the end of the decade (2000CE), the major Scholars and at the head of them, the three great giants, Imaam Ibn Baz, Imaam Ibn Uthaymin, and Imaam al-Albani, the remainder of the Salaf in our times, had praised, commended and vindicated Shaykh Rabi in his Jihad against the Innovators, in each and every single issue, in his corroboration of the methodology of the Prophets in calling to Allaah (see here), his refutation of the mistakes and innovations of Qutb (see here, here), his corroboration that Islaam only knows one Jamaa'ah, not tens of them, and in his defence of the Islamic aqidah from the bid'ahs of the Jahmiyyah, Mu'tazilah, Ash'ariyyah, Jabariyyah and others (see here, here and here), and we can document much more but we don't want to lengthen the affair here. So these people became more resentful and hateful and then continued with every guile and deception to carry on the objectives that their figureheads had failed miserably to complete, walhamdulillaah. Coming to the Issue This now brings us to this particular issue and the documenting of another instance of the talbees of the Qutbiyyah, which is their use of a statement by Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aal ash-Shaykh that was elicited through a loaded question, but which alhamdulillaah, did not benefit these people in any way whatsoever. The point however, in this article, is for you to understand the nature of the talbis and what actually is going on here. Now, after we have explained all of the above, and looking at all of the writings of Shaykh Rabee' for which these people have shown enmity towards him, you would think these people are going to bring some strong usoolee stuff, some evidences and proofs, right? And you would think that they would have refuted each of those books, in detail by now right? And you would be thinking that for them to show such rage and hatred, then there must be some extremely strong usoolee types of issues they've got in their pockets to bring out. Well, sorry to disappoint you, but this is what they came up with - and it never came from themselves, you see, as they are spiteful, resentful individuals, they've just been going to the Haddaadee Arabic websites looking for "dirt" so to speak with which they can confuse a Western audience - so here is what they came with: The Saying of the Muftee, Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aal ash-Shaykh Some general advice the Muftee, Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aal ash-Shaykh gave on 15/11/1427H in response to a (loaded) question over the telephone broadcast on television, and here is the question:
Note that this "group" he is talking about are those who are upon what Imaam al-Albaani, Imaam Ibn Baz and Imaam Ibn Uthaymin were upon - as we have corroborated elsewhere - of having convicted the likes of Safar and Salman of calling to a "Revolutionary Ideology" and being "Khaarijiyyah Asriyyah", and the likes - and you can see this is clearly a loaded question through what comes next.
Note in the recording that as the Muftee was commencing his advice, the questioner dropped in his statement "...most of them are the students of Shaykh Rabi al-Madkhali...". The Muftee advised the questioner at the beginning that these types of things ought not to be brought out openly but can be resolved in other ways without publicizing them to the people in this manner.
After this, the Shaykh gives a general naseehah (advice) which is not directed at anyone in particular, but is a general naseehah to everyone, and if you actually reflect upon the advice of the Shaykh, it is actually against them, not for them - refer to Part 2 of this article for that.
As for the Qutbiyyah mentioned by the questioner, (al-Qarnee, al-Awdah etc.) then the Major Scholars already refuted them for their Extremism and mass Takfir of the Ummah. Shaykh Salih al-Fawzaan refuted the statements of both al-Qarnee and al-Awdah, as found in the book al-Ajwibah al-Mufidah - see this article, and also this article for his refutations upon statements of mass Takfir of Salman al-Awdah. and Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen warned from the cassettes of Salman al-Awdah and Safar al-Hawali and from their "Revolutionary Ideology" (see here), and Imaam al-Albani called them "Khaarijiyyah Asriyyah (the Khawaarij of the Era)", as is too well known and famous to even mention, and Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen and Shaykh al-Fawzaan both corroborate the existence of a "Qutbi" manhaj, and its followers the they both commend and authorize warning from it (see here, here and here) ... and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on. All that is from close to ten years ago. So you can see that this is just a cheap attempt by these people to cast aspersions upon the people of knowledge. The full text of the Shaykh's advice is presented in Part 2 of this article.
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