Refer to
the previous article regarding the
Extremism of
Sayyid Qutb in making
Takfir on the issue of obedience, and Abu A'laa
Mawdudi had a similar type of exaggeration in his speech regarding taa'ah (obedience).
Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah clarified the issue of obedience in "Kitaab ul-Eemaan" (p. 70):
وهؤلاء الذين اتخذوا أحبارهم ورهبانهم أربابا - حيث أطاعوهم في تحليل ما حرم الله وتحريم ما أحل الله يكونون على وجهين : ( أحدهما ) : أن يعلموا أنهم بدلوا دين الله فيتبعونهم على التبديل فيعتقدون تحليل ما حرم الله وتحريم ما أحل الله اتباعا لرؤسائهم مع علمهم أنهم خالفوا دين الرسل فهذا كفر وقد جعله الله ورسوله شركا - وإن لم يكونوا يصلون لهم ويسجدون لهم - فكان من اتبع غيره في خلاف الدين مع علمه أنه خلاف الدين واعتقد ما قاله ذلك دون ما قاله الله ورسوله ; مشركا مثل هؤلاء . و ( الثاني ) : أن يكون اعتقادهم وإيمانهم بتحريم الحلال وتحليل الحرام ثابتا لكنهم أطاعوهم في معصية الله كما يفعل المسلم ما يفعله من المعاصي التي يعتقد أنها معاص ; فهؤلاء لهم حكم أمثالهم من أهل الذنوب
And those who have taken their priests and rabbis as lords, when they obeyed them in their making lawful what Allaah had made unlawful, and making unlawful what Allaah had made lawful, then they are of two types:
The first of them: that they know that they (the priests and rabbis) have made Tabdeel (baddaloo) the religion of Allaah and hence they follow them in this Tabdeel believing (ya'taqidoona) in the lawfulness of what Allaah had made unlawful and in the unlawfulness of what Allaah had made lawful, following their leaders in that, alongside their knowledge that they have opposed the religion of the Messengers, then this is kufr (disbelief), and Allaah and His Messenger have also made it Shirk - even if they (the followers) do not prayer or prostrate to them. Hence, whoever followed someone else in something that opposes the religion while knowing that it opposes the religion, and believes (i'taqada) in what he said, as opposed to what Allaah and His Messenger said, then such a one is a Mushrik, just like them.
And the second type: that their belief (i'tiqaad) and Faith (Imaan) in the lawfulness of what is lawful and the unlawfulness of what is unlawful is established, however, the follow them (the priests and rabbis) in disobedience to Allaah, just as a Muslim does when he commits a sin and believes that he is a sinner, so these ones have the same ruling as those like them from the people of sin.
And this is one of the many doubts used by the followers, allies and defenders of Sayyid Qutb, in eliciting Takfir.