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Bursting the Myth that Qutb and Banna Compare to Ibn Hajar and an-Nawawi From the greatest of signs of the depravity and desperateness of the followers of the secular (non-Islamic) methodologies of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen (brought to them by Qutb and Banna from the ideologies, philosophies, doctrines, methodologies and manifestos of secular atheist Jews, Christian philosophers and others) - is that they seek to make excuses for their lords of innovation by comparing them with the great, lofty, mighty and noble Scholars of Islam whose contribution and benefit to the Ummah is truly immense.
The doctrines of these innovators cannot stand on their own grounds and merits. The Scholars of Ahl us-Sunnah have demolished and refuted these foreign, alien methodologies. The Scholars of Ahl us-Sunnah have demonstrated the ignorance of these individuals (speaking with all the major innovations, uttering kufr, attachment to the graves, speaking with Wahdat ul-Wujood, uniting between the Sunnis and Rafidees and so on). So what was left for these people? To compare the contribution of Qutb and Banna to the Ummah to that of Ibn Hajar and Nawawi and to compare the mistakes of Qutb and Banna to those of Ibn Hajar and Nawawi. In this series we will burst this myth in order to defend the honour of Imaams like Ibn Hajar and an-Nawawi, from them being belittled through comparison with ignoramuses of the 20th century who left nothing but trails of destruction and vile hizbiyyah in the Ummah.
From al-Ajwibah al-Mufeedah of Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan
The compiler of the book Jamaal bin Fareehaan al-Haarithee wrote in a note to a fatwa of Shaykh Salih al-Fawzaan, whilst noting that the book was read and checked by the Shaykh and given his approval prior to printing, on page 221 of the 2nd edition:
فإن قيل : لماذا يُعتذر عن النووي وابن حجر، وما صدر منهما من تأويل، ولا يُعتذر عن ( سيد قطب ) و ( البنا ) و ( المودودي ) وأمثالهم ؟ فالجواب من وجهين : الأول : أن هناك فارقًا كبيرًا بين الصنفين؛ فإن لدى النووي وابن حجر من الرصيد العلمي، ونفع المسلمين؛ ما يغطي ما حصل منهما من خطأ، وقد بَيَّنه أهل العلم، وحذّروا منه؛ فالخطر قد زال بهذا التنبيه. أما ( سيد ) و ( البنا ) ... فليس لهما رصيد علمي ولا عملي، ولا نفع للمسلمين مثل ما للنووي وابن حجر، وغيرهما من الأئمة الكبار . الوجه الآخر : أن النووي وابن حجر لم يدعُوَا إلى أخطائهما، ولم يدعُوَا إلى تحزّب، وتكفير المجتمعات، وتوحيد الصف بين الرافضة، والنصارى، والمجوس، والفِرَق الضالة من جهة، وبين المسلمين، ولم يتضرر من أخطائهما المجتمع. بعكس ( سيد قطب ) و ( البنا ) وغيرهما ý من أضرابهما - ؛ فإنهم لا يرون فرقًا بين العقائد الباطلة الفاسدة، بل الكافرة، وبين العقيدة الصحيحة السليمة، ولا يرون التفريق بين الرافضي والنصراني وغيرهم، وبين المسلم، وقد أضرّوا بالمسلمين ولم يصلحوا؛ فقد تعصّب الكثير لآرائهم المخالفة للكتاب والسنة، وعادوا أهل السنة، وهذا من أعظم الأضرار وأقبحها.و أخيراً: من ذا الذي يستغني عن كتب ابن حجر والنووي ؟!
So if it is said: We can add here what we mentioned in a previous article: What's the Difference Between the Books of Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, an-Nawawi and those of Sayyid Qutb
Ibn Hajar, an-Nawawi: Take out the ta'weels that Ibn Hajr fell into in all of his various works and what are you left with? Tens of thousands of pages of truly beneficial knowledge in a wide range of subjects - in hadeeth, in fiqh, in aqidah, in adab, in mu'aamalah and so on and so on. We have great works such as Fath ul-Bari, and Buloogh ul-Mar'aam and really, this deserves a separate article on its own. Their errors are completely drowned in the mountains and oceans of goodness, which continue to benefit the Muslims in their deen to this day. Thanks Qutb (and Banna), you really aided the deen and the dunyaa!
And be sure to read this:
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