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Baraa'ah Ulamaa il-Ummah Min Tazkiyah Ahl il-Bid'ah wal-Mudhammah To the right is the cover for the second edition of "Baraa'ah Ulamaa il-Ummah Min Tazkiyah Ahl il-Bid'ah wal-Mudhammah" (The Innocence of the Scholars of the Ummah from the Commendation of the People of Innovation and Censure). This book was prepared by Isaam bin Abdullaah as-Sinaanee. It contains a refutation of the one who used the intercession of Shaykh Bin Baaz (rahimahullaah) for Sayyid Qutb as a proof for the 'adaalah (integrity) of Sayyid Qutb and commendation of his (Qutb's) manhaj, when it is not a proof at all. The book, after compilation and authorship was sent to Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan who checked over it and made recommendations, and also suggested an improvement to the title of the book. Then it was read by Imaam Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah), who made his own written notes on the pre-print copy that was sent to him, and he also advised that the section titled "The Salafi Manhaj", should be placed before "The Qutubi Manhaj" and not after it, unless the author had a specific reason for doing that. And images of these hand-written notes are included at the end of the book. We will be quoting from this book inshaa'Allaah in this series. Both of these scholars endorsed the contents of this book and the purpose for which it was to be published and distributed. And the purpose is clearly outlined in the title of the book itself. Namely, to declare the Scholars of Ahl us-Sunnah free and innocent (in particular Imaam Ibn Baaz, and the other scholars in general) of having made tazkiyah (i.e. given adaalah) to those who are from the people of innovation: In this case Sayyid Qutb, who aside from writing his commentary on the Qur'an upon an Ash'arite creed, added other great calamities, some of which are serious enough that they cannot really be excused by mere ignorance, such as accusing the Scribe of the Prophet (alayhis salaam) the Uncle of the Believers, Mu'awiyah - whose integrity is attested to by the Prophet himself - of treachery, deception and hypocrisy. And this book essentially sunk their ship, leaving them only the flotsam to hold onto thereafter, which is what they have been doing since then.
Shaykh Saalih Aal as-Shaykh on Sayyid Qutb's Ghuluww
Shaykh Saalih Aal ush-Shaykh commented on the Extremism of Sayyid Qutb in making Takfir of the people of sin using the issue of "obedience" and applying it absolutely:
And amongst [those matters] is that in the issue of obedience to the Mushrikeen, he did not understand the tafseel of the people of knowledge concerning it. So it is what is understood from his words is that which is in agreement with some of the Extremists (Ghullaat) on the issue of obedience (taa'ah), that is obedience to the Mushriks. Or obedience to the priests and rabbis (i.e. scholars). Source: Cassette, Sharh Kitaab Masaa'il ul-Jaahiliyyah, 2nd cassette, 2nd side, and it is also in Baraa'ah Ulamaa il-Ummah of Isaam bin Sinaanee, being a compilation of the sayings of the scholars on the deviations of Sayyid Qutb. Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah clarified the issue of obedience in "Kitaab ul-Eemaan" (p. 70):
وهؤلاء الذين اتخذوا أحبارهم ورهبانهم أربابا - حيث أطاعوهم في تحليل ما حرم الله وتحريم ما أحل الله يكونون على وجهين : ( أحدهما ) : أن يعلموا أنهم بدلوا دين الله فيتبعونهم على التبديل فيعتقدون تحليل ما حرم الله وتحريم ما أحل الله اتباعا لرؤسائهم مع علمهم أنهم خالفوا دين الرسل فهذا كفر وقد جعله الله ورسوله شركا - وإن لم يكونوا يصلون لهم ويسجدون لهم - فكان من اتبع غيره في خلاف الدين مع علمه أنه خلاف الدين واعتقد ما قاله ذلك دون ما قاله الله ورسوله ; مشركا مثل هؤلاء . و ( الثاني ) : أن يكون اعتقادهم وإيمانهم بتحريم الحلال وتحليل الحرام ثابتا لكنهم أطاعوهم في معصية الله كما يفعل المسلم ما يفعله من المعاصي التي يعتقد أنها معاص ; فهؤلاء لهم حكم أمثالهم من أهل الذنوب
And those who have taken their priests and rabbis as lords, when they obeyed them in their making lawful what Allaah had made unlawful, and making unlawful what Allaah had made lawful, then they are of two types: And this is one of the many doubts used by the followers, allies and defenders of Sayyid Qutb, in eliciting Takfir, upon other than Sharee'ah principles.
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