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The Relationship Between Shaykh Rabee al-Madkhali and the Major Scholars: Part 1 - Introduction and Background
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Wednesday, January 06 2010 - by Admin
Key topics: Abdul-Aziz Aal Ash-Shaikh Abd Al-Aziz Aal Ash-Shaikh Rabi Bin Hadi Al-Madkhali Shaykh Rabee Shaykh Rabi Madkhalis Al-Fawzan Al-Luhaidan

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You should know and realise:

The Qutbiyyah have tried for 23 years to try and bring down the noble Shaykh Imaam al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) and his da'wah ever since he pointed out the doctrine of Wahdat ul-Wujood in the commentary of Sayyid Qutb in az-Zilaal, which Qutb corroborated in his commentary on Surah al-Hadid and Surah al-Ikhlas in the late 1950s and remained upon this (after having negated it in the very first edition of az-Zilaal in the early 1950s in the very early part of his commentary). The formally declared war of al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen against the revival of the Prophetic da'wah began here. When an Imaam of the Sunnah, criticised the words of Sayyid Qutb the Ikhwan issued an organization wide boycott against Imaam al-Albani and his da'wah and anyone who ascribed to it. And they started slandering Shaykh al-Albaani by publishing articles in their magazines such as the Kuwaiti "al-Mujtama'" in order to make people flee from al-Albani and his da'wah. The disclosure of this vile type of hizbiyyah and bigoted party-spirit was the starting point and the instigation of the giving of attention by the Scholars of the Sunnah to these people, their doctrines and methodologies. This led to - despite initial confusion - the gradual emergence of the clarity and separation between the methodology of the Prophets in calling to Allaah (based upon revelation from Allaah) and the methodologies of al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen (derived from the prevailing secular, non-Muslim, ideologies, doctrines, philosophies, political methodologies and manifestos, the overall aim of which is to establish a khilaafah "by hook or by crook", literally [its in their books]). Over the next two decades the Scholars of Ahl us-Sunnah as a whole convicted the evil methodologies of al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen in hundreds of their statements, verdicts and rulings, and the more outspoken of Qutbiyyah were left despised, abased, rejected (and rendered kafirs by a faction of their earlier followers who became disillusioned with what they perceived to be a 'sell-out'). So some of them boasted about being instrumental in bringing Bush to power by advising the Muslims of America to vote him in (Dr. Hawali, the women and children of Iraq love you to bits), and others were found sitting alongside and calling for understanding with the Soofees and Shi'ites (thank you Salman al-Awdah, we always knew you had a Bannaawee thing going on there with your distinction between al-Firqat un-Najiyah and at-Taa'ifat ul-Mansoorah).

After the Gulf War, these people came out and started on the other Major Scholars such as Ibn Baz, and Ibn Uthaymeen (rahimahumullaah), when they started to belittle these Scholars. Bigoted partisanship (hizbiyyah) is what led to these people to step up their war when others from the people of knowledge refuted Sayyid Qutb for his encyclopedia of innovations and misguidances which included Mockery of Moses (alayhis salaam), revilement of Uthmaan (radiallaahu anhu), and Mu'aawiyah (radiallaahu anhu) and his Takfir of all of Bani Umayyah. His speaking with the innovations of the Jahmiyyah of negating Allaah's uluww, and making Ta'weel of al-Istwaa, and his innovations of I'tizaal of rejecting aahaad hadeeth in aqidah, and his casting doubt upon the Sunnah, and statements reaching the level of kufr, and great many other affairs.

Chief amongst those Scholars was Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee, and when he saw that these people, claiming Salafiyyah, did not make their walaa and baraa for the truth, and for the Salafi aqidah, but rather for the sake of a man in whose works - after you take out all of the above-mentioned misguidances - there is nothing left in them, except what is worse than the aqidah of the khawaarij, namely Takfir of the entire Ummah, and judging with its complete absence, and judging the Muslims to be upon the jaahiliyyah of kufr prior to Islaam, rather in a worse jaahiliyyah than that, and propounding the manifestos of secular atheist Jews in inciting violent revolutions against this Ummah:

  • Shaykh Salih Aal ash-Shaykh: The Ghuluww (Extremism) of Sayyid Qutb in Takfir of the Sinners - (see here)
  • Yusuf al-Qaradawi: The New 'Qutbi' Understanding of Tawheed - (see here)
  • Yusuf al-Qaradawi on Sayyid Qutb: All Muslims Are Apostates (Kuffaar, Mushrikeen) Except Those Who Agree With My Ideology and Join My Group - (see here)
  • Yusuf al-Qaradawi: Sayyid Qutb Makes it Explicitly Clear That All Muslims Today Are Disbelievers - (see here)
  • Fareed Abdul-Khaliq (Former Murshid of Ikhwaan): The Emergence of the Doctrines of Jaahliyyah, Haakimiyyah and Takfir of All Societies - (see here)
  • Yusuf al-Qaradawi: Groups Known as 'the Qutbiyyoon' Found in Various Places Harboring the Doctrines of Takfir Found in az-Zilaal - (see here)
  • Ali Juraisha (Major Ikhwaani Figurehead): Emergence of the Takfiris Who Made Takfir of Whole Societies - (see here)
  • Fareed Abdul-Khaliq (Former Murshid of Ikhwaan): The Origins of Mass Takfir of Muslim Societies Lie In the Books of Sayyid Qutb - (see here)
  • Yusuf al-Qaradawi: The Takfir of All Societies and Announcement of Destructive Revolutions In the Final Works of Sayyid Qutb - (see here)

Then when he, Shaykh Rabee' saw that, he was resolved to defend the honours of the Prophets, the Companions and the sanctity of the Islamic aqidah, and to protect the Muslims from the evil effects of this evil ideology which brought nothing upon this Ummah but calamity and destruction.

And while this story is long and detailed, suffice it to say that the Qutbiyyah left no guile, trickery, or deception in trying to cause dissension between Shaykh Rabee' and the other Scholars, as part of their evil plot, and as part of their defense of their vile methodologies of hizbiyyah which are alien to Islam and the Sunnah and the way of the Salaf, except that they traversed it. And from these ways was their constant calls to the people of knowledge, asking loaded questions, trying to elicit from them words of dispraise - and they found no way to defend their vile, innovated Ikhwani methodologies except to plot the downfall of the noble Scholars who defended the Islamic aqidah and the Salafi Manhaj from the doctrines and innovations of their figureheads. And we see instances of this being circulated today.

They began with Shaykh al-Albani, then they moved onto the other major Scholars like Shaykh Ibn Baz, Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin after the Gulf War (when the Qutbiyyah made their debut, sailing on the seas), and then they turned to Shaykh Rabee' thereafter. Be not deceived about these people - they hate the da'wah and manhaj of Imaam al-Albani, Imaam Ibn Baz, and Imaam Ibn Uthaymin, even if they display their (fake) attachment to these scholars - its all in name only, there's nothing behind it of substance, for they are the furthest of people from the manhaj of these Shaykhs. All they do is to pick and choose from the sayings of these Scholars that suit their desires, they are not upon the da'wah and methodology of these Shaykhs, they are upon the da'wah of Hassan al-Banna, Qutb and Mawdudi. But when Shaykh Rabee' stood to defend the Islamic aqidah and to defend the honours of the Companions, as had Mahmood Muhammad Shakir forty years earlier in 1952 (see here), then they used Shaykh Rabee' as a scapegoat and as a veil to attack all of the Scholars. They hate all the Scholars, resent them and look down upon them, because none of these Scholars are with them upon their da'wah, and because these Scholars actually recommended the books of refutation of Shaykh Rabee' against Sayyid Qutb, and in his defending the methodology of the Prophets in da'wah.

But these haters, can't openly proclaim their resentment and hatred, because they know that most Muslims have an attachment and love to these Scholars, and so they conceal it so as not to alert the general people to what their harbor of such enmity.

An Example of Their Deception

So we come to the subject of this article which is that the Qutbiyyah make use of some general advice the Muftee, Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aal ash-Shaykh gave in response to a question over the telephone broadcast on television, and here is the question:

Questioner: "O Shaykh there is a group...

Note that this "group" he is talking about are those who are upon what Imaam al-Albaani, Imaam Ibn Baz and Imaam Ibn Uthaymin are upon of having convicted the likes of Safar and Salman of calling to a "Revolutionary Ideology" and being "Khaarijiyyah Asriyyah" and the likes - and you can see this is clearly a loaded question through what comes next.

...who claim Salafiyyah, and they revile the Du'aat and the Mashaayikh ... and they revile Shaykh Aa'id al-Qarnee, and they revile Shaykh Salman al-Awdah, and some of them say that they are astray, leading others astray..." Presenter: [interjecting] "You request some advice..." Questioner: "Yes some advice for them..." Immediately, the Muftee begins to answer: "O my brothers ...", then the questioner drops in at the very end (after the Shaykh has commenced his speech) "...most of them are the students of Shaykh Rabi al-Madkhali..."

The Muftee advised the questioner at the beginning that these types of things ought not to be brought out openly but can be resolved in other ways without publicizing them to the people in this manner.

Muftee: My brothers, I hope we fear Allaah with respect to ourselves, and that we do not publicize these types of affairs, when we know of their existence, we strive to rectify them, as for making them publicizing them and making them open, then this is not befitting...

After this, the Shaykh gives a general naseehah (advice) which is not directed at anyone in particular, but is a general naseehah to everyone.

In reality, this advice of the Mufti applies to those who invent labels which the Mufti and the major scholars have not spoken with, such as the label of "Madkhalis" which is simply a veil through which to attack the generality of the manhaj of Imaam al-Albani, Imaam Ibn Baz, Imaam Ibn Uthaymin, the Mufti himself, Shaykh Salih al-Fawzaan, and all the other Major Scholars, collectively, which clashes with the manhaj of Qutb, Banna and Mawdudi that these people are upon.

As for the Qutbiyyah mentioned by the questioner, (al-Qarnee, al-Awdah etc.) then the Major Scholars refuted them for their Extremism and mass Takfir of the Ummah. Shaykh Salih al-Fawzaan refuted the statements of both al-Qarnee and al-Awdah, as found in the book al-Ajwibah al-Mufidah - see this article, and also this article for his refutations upon statements of mass Takfir of Salman al-Awdah. and Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen warned from the cassettes of Salman al-Awdah and Safar al-Hawali and from their "Revolutionary Ideology" (see here), and Imaam al-Albani called them "Khaarijiyyah Asriyyah (the Khawaarij of the Era)", as is too well known and famous to even mention, and Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen and Shaykh al-Fawzaan both corroborate the existence of a "Qutbi" manhaj, and its followers the they both commend and authorize warning from it (see here, here and here) ... and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on. All that is from close to ten years ago.

The point here, is that this is just another desperate attempt of these people, in a history of desperate attempts. They go to the Major Scholars knowing full well that all their figureheads were convicted by the Major Scholars many years back of having something of misguidance, deviation and innovation. But they continue to try to get something they can run with - as a means of confusing and deceiving people - because remember, these people are still calling to their baatil, and to do that they need the books that represent contain ideological justifications of mass Takfir and the manifestos of secular atheist Jews, like Vladimir Lenin, in secretly working for revolutions - all of which came to them in the works of Sayyid Qutb. For this reason, the continued casting of aspersions upon the Sunnah and it's people, is a necessary, in fact, a vital element for the protection and continuation of their da'wah - which clashes with the methodology of the Prophets in da'wah, according to all the Scholars of the Sunnah as pointed out earlier, in fact, by even the Ikhwani figureheads, such as Yusuf Qaradawi, Ali Juraisha, Farid Abdul-Khaliq and others.

And at the same time remember, to a lot of these people, the Mufti, Abdul-Aziz Aal ash-Shaykh (hafidhahullaah) is a kaafir, apostate, they make Takfir of the Scholars. And others amongst them do not openly reveal this Takfir but conceal it. And yet others amongst them, ally with these people who make Takfir of the Scholars, they remain silent about them, do not refute them, and continue in their allegiance towards them and giving preference to their company, which indicates that in all likelihood, they also conceal Takfir of the Scholars, or tend towards it, if not at least holding resentment and hatred towards those scholars.

So its all a sham and a scam. Be sure 100% about that, and the strange thing is that these people actually know it . When they read this, deep inside their souls, they know it. The Scholars are just a means to an end for these people. And so they are not with the Muftee, except in isolated statements which they can twist and run with to aid their baatil. In this series we will present the truth regarding the relationship between Shaykh Rabee' and all the other Scholars.

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