Shaykh al-Raajihee Declares the Extremist Haddaadiyyah as Liars
Tuesday, August 26 2014 - by Admin
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Recently, a group of the extremist Haddaadis have been taking and misrepresenting issues to some of the Scholars such as the Muftee, Shaykh al-Fawzaan and also Shaykh al-Raajihee. Shaykh Rabee has been defending factions of Scholars from Ahl al-Sunnah from the accusations emanating from these Haddaadis. However, when Shaykh Rabee' refuted their falsehood, they took some of his speech made in the course of refuting them, isolated it from the context of the wider discussion, and presented it in a way so that they could solicit these statements from those Shaykhs. These are methods that are not new and they have been going on for decades.
Over the past few weeks, they have been distributing a short and dubious clip in which they allege Shaykh al-Raajihee makes tabdee' of Shaykh Rabee. Well, now comes the lightning strike upon the liars!
Shaykh Abd al-Azeez al-Raajihee Declares Haddadiyyah as Liar
You can download the audio here (MP3) or listen to it below:
Summary: The Shaykh is informed about the defence of Shaykh Rabee' by Shaykh al-Luhaydaan, stating he is from the Scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah, but that alleged words of tabdee are being ascribed to you. The Shaykh asks who is distributing this, and denies and states that not everything that is distributed is actually authentic. The Shaykh says that people have lied upon the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), [by ascribing to him what he did not say] and that they also lied upon Shaykh Ibn Baz (rahimahullaah). Finally he confirmed that Shaykh Rabee is from the Scholars of the Sunnah and that this should be transmitted from him.